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Articles in Septic shock

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Use of vasopressors in patients with shock, shock
In order to use vasopressors correctly, it is necessary to understand the role of the above factors in the clinical setting, and at the same time understand the pharmacological effects on the above factors of the intended vasopressors.
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Note when combining antibiotics in the treatment of hospital-acquired infections
Nosocomial infections are infections acquired during hospital treatment without symptoms or during the incubation period upon admission. In some cases, the combination of antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial infections is necessary to prevent complications and poor prognosis for patients.
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What does the ALT level in a blood test say about the health of the liver?
Once the test is completed, if the ALT level is high, further tests will be needed to determine the cause of the liver damage and the doctor will determine the treatment.
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Learn about gallstones
Gallstones range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Some people develop only one gallstone, while others develop multiple gallstones at once. Gallstones that do not cause any signs and symptoms usually do not require treatment.
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What role does E. coli bacteria play in the body and what disease does it usually cause?
Escherichia coli is a bacterium that normally lives in the intestines of humans and animals. Most E. coli bacteria are known to cause temporary and transient diarrhea, or some severe intestinal infections that lead to more severe illness with diarrhea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. fever.
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Antibiotics treat E coli bacteria: What you need to know
Currently, antibiotic resistance is becoming more and more common with many strains of bacteria and viruses. E Coli is a bacteria with high antibiotic resistance that is causing a lot of concern in the community.
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Hemodynamic patterns in septic shock
The hemodynamic patterns in septic shock are mainly volume depletion, systemic vasodilatation, myocardial dysfunction, and blood distribution disorders. However, hemodynamic disturbances in septic shock are complex in nature and difficult to assess. Early detection and treatment is very important, as it determines the prognosis for people with septic shock.
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Use of vasopressors in the treatment of shock
Septic shock reduces tissue perfusion, increases cardiac output, and carries a high risk of mortality. In the treatment of shock, vasopressors are the initial choice to achieve mean blood pressure and improve tissue perfusion.
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Septic shock - why dangerous?
Sốc nhiễm khuẩn là một bệnh rất nặng và đặc biệt vô cùng nguy hiểm. Đó là biến chứng của bệnh nhiễm trùng nặng, nếu không phát hiện sớm và xử trí kịp thời có thể gây nguy hiểm cho tính mạng người bệnh. Chỉ định lọc máu cấp cứu với bệnh nhân sốc nhiễm khuẩn khi có chỉ định là một phương pháp điều trị sốc nhiễm khuẩn hiệu quả.
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Emergency dialysis for patients with multiple organ failure due to septic shock
Suy đa tạng do sốc nhiễm khuẩn nếu không được điều trị kịp thời và tích cực có thể dẫn tới tử vong. Và lọc máu cấp cứu là phương pháp điều trị hữu hiệu, giúp bệnh nhân suy đa tạng do sốc nhiễm khuẩn sớm khỏe lại
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Diagnosing septic shock
Septic shock is a state of shock that occurs when the body has a severe infection, has turned to sepsis and has cardiovascular dysfunction. Diagnosis of sepsis requires finding the source of the infection as well as assessing the function of the organ systems for timely treatment.
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