Home Tag Screening for cardiovascular disease

Articles in Screening for cardiovascular disease

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Chest pain and shortness of breath are signs of what disease?
Hello doctor! Lately, I've been having chest pain and shortness of breath. So tell me, what are the signs of this disease? Thank you doctor for the answer!
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Common causes of palpitations
Many people often think that palpitations are just normal signs when the body is tired or overworked. However, this can be a manifestation of some typical diseases with many different causes. Therefore, if the palpitations appear frequently, the patient should soon go to the medical center to examine and find the cause for appropriate treatment.
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Measures to prevent cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is a dangerous disease and accounts for a high mortality rate, especially the frequency of cardiovascular diseases is increasingly younger due to unhealthy habits in daily life. Therefore, taking measures to prevent cardiovascular disease is an urgent task today.
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What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women?
Did you know that the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease in women is now higher than the number of deaths from cancer? It is worth mentioning that many women are not aware of the dangers of heart attacks and are still quite vague about the signs of heart disease in women.
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The content of cardiovascular consultation needs to know when going to the doctor
Examination is necessary when you have doubts about your heart health. Before going to the doctor, if you know the content of cardiovascular consultation, it will help the examination process be convenient and do not take much time. The content of cardiovascular consultation will revolve around the patient's pathology based on the clinical and laboratory test results and the patient's questions.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics