Chest pain and shortness of breath are signs of what disease?

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Hello doctor! Lately, I've been having chest pain and shortness of breath. So tell me, what are the signs of this disease? Thank you doctor for the answer!
Tran Thi Tue (1990)
Hello doctor. What are the symptoms of prolonged chest tightness, shortness of breath, doctor? Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Anh (1991)
Hello doctor. I have difficulty breathing, a little chest tightness, sometimes dizziness for the last 3 days. Ask your doctor what your symptoms are. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. I am 19 years old this year, I have some symptoms of shortness of breath, sometimes chest pain. Am I sick? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Hello, thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System, with your question, I would like to answer as follows: You should provide more information to We can advise you to be more accurate and complete. For example, when do you have chest pain, where is it located, how long does it last, is it related to exercise, is it related to eating or what?
If the above condition continues to recur, you should go to a cardiology clinic to be examined, because this may be a sign of cardiovascular disease. Wish you good health!
The article is advised by Doctor Nguyen Thanh Phong - Vinmec International General Hospital.
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