Home Tag Restricted myocardium

Articles in Restricted myocardium

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Restrictive cardiomyopathy: Causes, symptoms
Restrictive myocardiopathy is a disease with low morbidity but severe complications and high mortality. There are many causes of the disease, but the most common cause is primary endocardial fibrosis, if untreated, the patient can die after 2-3 years. Therefore, early detection and treatment of the disease can help prolong the patient's life.
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How is restrictive cardiomyopathy treated?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is cardiomyopathy. With this disease, the heart will have a limited ability to contract because the muscles inside the heart are stiff, so the heart cannot relax completely. The disease makes it harder for the heart to pump enough blood to the organs in the body. Constricted heart muscle will cause heart failure if not treated promptly.
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Cardiomyopathy can be seen in children
Cardiomyopathy caused by dysfunction of the heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy in children is relatively rare with unclear manifestations, but severe course and high risk of death should be detected early. Below are the possible cardiomyopathy in children.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics