Home Tag Rectal polyps

Articles in Rectal polyps

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Common types of colorectal polyps
Polyp is the term used to refer to growths of the lining of the mucous membrane. This growth can appear in the digestive tract, uterus, bladder, nasal passages, or genital area. Some colon polyps can turn cancerous. Determining what type of colorectal polyps is important in the prevention and treatment of the disease.
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Treatment options for colorectal polyps
Colorectal polyps are benign tumors. When too many of these tumors appear in the large intestine, the disease is called multiple colorectal polyps. Although the majority of polyps are benign, patients with multiple colorectal polyps have a potential risk of cancer, because when one of the tumors is excessively proliferating and undifferentiated, it will become malignant.
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Learn about laparoscopic colon polyp removal
Colonoscopy polypectomy is a surgical method that is applied by almost all hospitals today. This is a way that can help doctors easily remove polyps inside the colon, without causing major damage to this part.
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Frequent abdominal pain with burning sensation, what is the cause?
I have pain, burning or biting, have had a colonoscopy, grade 1 hemorrhoids and colon polyps removed. Abdominal ultrasound was performed and the adnexa was not infected. Currently the doctor has prescribed medicine for sigmoid colon. I've been taking it for a week and it's still painful, can you tell me what the disease is? Thank you!
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Is rectal pain caused by rectal polyps?
I have rectal polyps, had surgery 1 time in 2015, but the disease is not completely cured. There is still pain in the anus when defecating, the stool is clotted and bloody. Please advise how to treat!
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5mm rectal polyps grade 2 internal hemorrhoids how to treat?
Hi doctor. Doctor let me ask, how to treat 5mm rectal polyps grade 2 internal hemorrhoids? I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank the doctor.
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Is the clip used in rectal polypectomy to stop bleeding from the cut or another site in the rectum?
I used to have rectal polyp removed because there was a lot of fresh blood in the rectum and there was a polyp size 0.8cm. During the endoscopy, the doctor used up to 3 clamps to stop bleeding. The doctor told me to ask if the clip used in rectal polyp removal is to stop the bleeding of the cut or another place in the rectum?
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Is low-grade dysplastic ductal adenoma, is there a risk of high-grade dysplasia of rectal polyps?
I had laparoscopic rectal polypectomy, based on the biopsy results, I was diagnosed histopathologically: low-grade dysplastic ductal adenomas, with small foci of high-grade dysplasia. In addition, during surgery, the doctor said that my polyps were benign. Doctor let me ask: Low-grade dysplastic ductal adenoma, is it dangerous to have small high-grade dysplasia of rectal polyps?
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How to treat recurrent rectal polyps?
I had a rectal polyp removed nearly 6 months ago, I went back to the colonoscopy, the doctor said that the polyp grew back in another place. Can you tell me how to treat recurrent rectal polyps? Does it need to be removed and how do I stop the polyps from growing back?
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Is it okay to have a bowel movement 6-7 times a day?
About 2 months ago, I went to the toilet on average 6-7 times / day. Good stool, neither tight nor loose. The current state of health is still very good. But because of going outside with too much density, I was worried and didn't know if I had any disease. The doctor told me to go to the toilet 6-7 times a day is it okay?
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Bloody stools and palpable fleshy lumps are signs of what disease?
I defecate with broken stools, the color of stools does not change. Defecation is 2 times in 1 day. Previously, when I went to defecate, I felt a protruding fleshy lump when I washed it, when I got up, I would tighten it up, accompanied by bright red bleeding, sometimes dripping, sometimes in rays. Doctor, tell me what is the sign of blood in the stool and palpable fleshy lumps?
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