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Articles in Rashes

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Note when using anti-allergy drug alimemazine
Alimemazine is an antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms (allergic rhinitis, cough, sneezing, runny nose; skin allergies such as urticaria, rash). In addition, the drug is also used in cases of sudden or transient insomnia (due to preparing to go away or having emotional events...)
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Sulconazole: Uses, side effects and notes when using the drug
Sulconazole is a medicine used to treat skin infections. Specifically, foot fungus, rash or ringworm. This medicine is said to be specifically for skin diseases. With an antifungal body that works and prevents the growth of fungi. You can refer to some more information about the drug through the following article.
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Uses of Tiphades
Tiphades medicine is made in the form of tablets, the main ingredient is Desloratadine 5mg. The drug is used in the treatment of allergic conditions.
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Uses of Theratussine
Theratussine is indicated for the treatment of skin allergies with manifestations of urticaria, rash, skin swelling, red hot, allergic rhinitis. The following article guides the use of Theratussine and the notes when using Theratussine.
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Uses of Meyerbastine 10
Those who have been having problems with seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis will certainly not be unfamiliar with Meyerbastin 10, in addition, the drug also works to quickly reduce allergy symptoms, itching, and rashes. .. So to find out what drug Meyerbastin 10 is? What is Meyerbastin 10 used for? The following article will help you better understand the uses of Meyerbastin 10.
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Uses of Mediclary
MediClary is used to treat the symptoms of rashes, allergies, and runny nose. So, what is the dose of MediClary? What precautions should be taken when using it? Let's find out information about MediClary drug in the following article.
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High liver enzymes, rash all over the body, why?
Hi doctor. I have liver enzymes 35 times higher than normal, itchy rashes all over my body. I went to the doctor but couldn't find the cause. Doctor tell me what is the cause of my condition? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
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Is it dangerous for people with chronic hepatitis B to appear hot and itchy?
Hello doctor, I have chronic hepatitis B, hba1c -reactive index >1000.00, hbeag-reactive index 1.76, I often have rashes, mouth sores, sometimes right lower quadrant pain. So it's very dangerous, isn't it, doctor? Seek medical advice.
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Skin manifestations of liver disease
Liver is a dangerous disease that has a silent progression and causes many serious consequences for human health. Liver disease has many recognizable signs, in which skin manifestations of liver disease are often quite obvious. Let's find out how liver disease affects the skin through the article below.
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Why do some people have a seafood allergy?
Hải sản là thực phẩm quý, giàu chất dinh dưỡng nhưng cũng là nhóm thức ăn gây dị ứng nhiều nhất trong các trường hợp bị dị ứng thực phẩm. Biểu hiện của dị ứng hải sản rất đa dạng và thường xảy ra rất nhanh, thường chỉ sau khi ăn vài giờ, có người chỉ chục phút. Trường hợp dị ứng nhẹ thì nổi mề đay, ngứa, nôn nao khó chịu và sẽ giảm dần;
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How to deal with chronic, recurrent atopic dermatitis?
Viêm da cơ địa dị ứng là một loại bệnh viêm da mãn tính, thường gặp ở mọi lứa tuổi. Bệnh viêm da cơ địa tái đi tái lại nhiều lần với triệu chứng nổi bật là ngứa nhiều, khiến người bệnh rất khó chịu. Viêm da cơ địa thường khởi phát từ lúc nhỏ, với những đợt tái phát và có thể kéo dài suốt đời.
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