Home Tag Radiation therapy with arc volume modulation

Articles in Radiation therapy with arc volume modulation

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Everything you need to know about volume-modulated radiotherapy (VMAT)
Kỹ thuật xạ trị điều biến thể tích cung tròn (VMAT) tại Vinmec Central Park là phương pháp tiên tiến cho phép điều trị các ca bệnh ung thư đầu cổ phức tạp với hiệu quả cao, hạn chế tối đa các tác dụng không mong muốn.
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The "revolution" in radiation therapy for cancer
Radiation therapy is one of the main methods of cancer treatment, but many side effects of radiation therapy often cause concern for patients and reduce quality of life. High-tech radiotherapy technologies can significantly reduce unwanted side effects, reduce pain so that patients can easily pass treatment and conquer disease. Vinmec is one of the first hospitals in Vietnam to deploy these special radiotherapy technologies.
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High-tech radiotherapy – volume-modulated arc therapy (VMAT)
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, also known as dose-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): is a radiotherapy technique in which the radiation beam is modulated so that the intensity at points within the field of view is not uniform. using a compensator or leaf pairs of a multileaf collimator (MLC),...
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High-tech radiotherapy - body positioning radiosurgery (SBRT)
SBRT is a high-tech radiotherapy technique that uses multiple beams to deliver a very high radiation dose to the target tissue and rapidly reduce the dose to adjacent tissues. This is a very high precision radiotherapy technique from positioning and immobilization of the patient, mechanics to dose delivery. A high dose of radiation (the “surgical” dose is usually ≥ 5Gy/partial dose) will be delivered to the patient externally from the irradiator into the body. The duration of treatment is shortened using less therapeutic doses, usually only 1 to 5 therapeutic doses.
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Instructional information: Caring for patients receiving radiation therapy in the head and neck area
Radiation therapy is a method of using high-energy ionizing radiation beams to destroy cancer cells, while maximizing the protection of healthy tissue around the tumor site and is one of the best treatment methods. for head and neck cancer. External radiation therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses an accelerator system to direct radiation beams to the tumor site, so when receiving external radiation, you do not need to be isolated after treatment.
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Radiation therapy for rectal cancer - anal canal
In 2015, an estimated 93,000 Americans were diagnosed with colon cancer. Rectal - anal canal cancer ranks 3rd in both men and women. Of these, 39,610 people will be diagnosed with rectal cancer. Especially if you were diagnosed with colorectal cancer before the age of 50, or if there are several other cancers that run in your family, you and your loved ones are at increased risk of familial colorectal cancer. Your loved one needs to be screened earlier than others.
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