The "revolution" in radiation therapy for cancer

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Radiation therapy is one of the main methods of cancer treatment, but many side effects of radiation therapy often cause concern for patients and reduce quality of life. High-tech radiotherapy technologies can significantly reduce unwanted side effects, reduce pain so that patients can easily pass treatment and conquer disease. Vinmec is one of the first hospitals in Vietnam to deploy these special radiotherapy technologies.

Minimizing cancer treatment side effects thanks to high-tech radiotherapy

When treating cancer with conventional radiation therapy, the radiation dose delivered to the patient is relatively small over several weeks. The goal is to maximize tumor cell death and minimize damage to healthy cells. Due to technical limitations, traditional radiation therapy still more or less kills the healthy tissue around the tumor. Radiation therapy also causes many side effects: Hair loss, fatigue, skin irritation (red, dry, painful and itchy skin), temporary loss of appetite, esophagitis...
According to TS.BS Nguyen Duy Sinh - Head of Radiation Therapy Unit, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, to solve the limitations of traditional radiotherapy, high-tech radiotherapy technologies were born, which is considered a revolution in the field of radiation therapy. cancer radiotherapy.
High-tech radiation therapy has many forms: Arc volume modulated radiation therapy (VMAT) is applied to cancers of the head, neck, stomach, esophagus, and pelvis; body position radiosurgery (SBRT) for lung and liver cancer; Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and synchronized breathing radiation therapy (4D-RT) treat breast, stomach, lung, esophageal cancer... The common feature of these methods is their ability to The ability to deliver radiation doses 5-10 times higher in a short time, focusing on the tumor to be destroyed. Thereby, achieving the optimal effect in each radiotherapy session, shortening the radiation time and minimizing the side effects.

Xạ trị kỹ thuật cao có khả năng cấp liều phóng xạ cao hơn 5 - 10 lần trong thời gian ngắn, tập trung vào khối u cần tiêu diệt nên đạt được hiệu quả tối ưu và giảm tối đa tác dụng phụ.
Xạ trị kỹ thuật cao có khả năng cấp liều phóng xạ cao hơn 5 - 10 lần trong thời gian ngắn, tập trung vào khối u cần tiêu diệt nên đạt được hiệu quả tối ưu và giảm tối đa tác dụng phụ.

Typical in liver cancer . Radiation therapy for liver cancer in the past was often limited because it was difficult to accurately determine the movement of the tumor. Patients will be radiation on the whole liver, so after radiation radiation can develop liver disease due to radiation therapy, even with relatively low doses.
High-tech body positioning radiation therapy (SBRT) is a "salvage" for the effective treatment of liver cancer thanks to its ability to accurately locate liver tumors with sophisticated motion tracking devices outside the skin. OSMS) and hump motion tracking system (RPM). The results of modern liver radiotherapy are very "impressive": The survival rate over 1 year after radiation increases to 50-100% and the tumor size is reduced from 60-100%. With conventional radiation, the 1-year survival rate is only 25-35%.
High-tech radiation therapy is not only effective for liver cancer but also reduces pain for other cancer patients. Ms. Huynh Diep (in Ha Giang) stage 3b breast cancer with 19/20 lymph node metastases, 30 times of radiotherapy. Sharing after VMAT high-tech radiotherapy at Vinmec, Ms. Diep said: "My first dose of radiation was very gentle. Contrary to what I imagined about radiation therapy patients, their faces were blackened or severely burned after. I passed 30 doses of radiation safely, without burning because I was instructed to apply anti-scald medicine and eat safe food ".

Cô Huỳnh Diệp phục hồi sau quá trình điều trị xạ trị ung thư tại Bệnh viện Vinmec
Cô Huỳnh Diệp phục hồi sau quá trình điều trị xạ trị ung thư tại Bệnh viện Vinmec
Although high-tech radiation therapy has such advantages, currently not many hospitals in Vietnam can do it, because the investment cost of new radiotherapy machines is very high, accompanied by a team of capable doctors. fully master the technique.

Comfortable, painless with high-tech radiotherapy

Leading the way in updating advances in cancer treatment, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital has "strongly" equipped with the Radiotherapy Planning System and the Truebeam Radiation Therapy Machine of Varian (USA) as the the most modern in Southeast Asia. In addition, the hospital has applied the Dolphin system to evaluate the treatment dose with the COMPASS 4.0 support software to accurately assess before emitting the radiation, monitor the radiation dose at the same time when the radiation is shining on the tumor.

Trắc nghiệm: Thử hiểu biết của bạn về bệnh ung thư

Ung thư là nguyên nhân gây tử vong hàng thứ 2 trên thế giới. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức về yếu tố nguy cơ cũng như cách phòng ngừa bệnh ung thư.

Bài dịch từ:

During the treatment, a team of radiation therapists, medical physicists and technicians will use the imaging technologies integrated in the radiotherapy machine to give an accurate plan with error for the patient. allowed less than 1mm. All movements specific to each tumor and specific organ, and each patient, are calculated by the state-of-the-art "locating" system through the advanced OSMS body movement monitoring system and tissue technology. 4D simulation (4D). Radiation to the tumor is completely controlled, minimizing side effects on healthy tissue.
“The patient is completely awake, no pain during radiotherapy, and after radiation therapy also suffers from the fewest side effects. The hospital can combine with other palliative and supportive care such as autologous immunotherapy, heat therapy, psychology, nutrition, etc. to help patients improve their health and recover soon” - TS.BS Nguyen Duy Sinh shared about high-tech radiotherapy at Vinmec.
Investing in synchronous equipment and updating advances in cancer treatment Cancer Center, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital has built and successfully operated a standardized cancer approach model. international, bringing hope for healthy living for cancer patients.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec Central Park Cancer Center, you can contact hotline: 0283 6221 166, 0283 6221 188 or register online HERE
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