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Articles in Percutaneous heart valve replacement

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Benefits and risks of heart valve replacement surgery
Heart valve replacement is the optimal measure in cases of severe damage to the heart valves, in order to reduce symptoms, prevent the progression of heart failure and reduce the risk of early death for the patient. Patients may face some complications after heart valve replacement surgery, however, these are completely manageable.
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After heart valve surgery: What signs are abnormal?
Heart valve repair and replacement surgery is a highly accurate surgery and the majority of patients have a marked improvement after surgery. However, there is still a small chance of complications such as valve dysfunction after surgery, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism or stroke.
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Care after heart valve surgery
After heart valve surgery, whether open or laparoscopic, patients need to be cared for carefully. Care after heart valve replacement surgery requires care of the incision, gentle exercise for quick recovery, regular check-ups and proper nutrition.
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Heart valve repair surgery: What you need to know
Open heart valve repair surgery is a type of surgery to repair faulty heart valves, which is applied to correct defective heart valves due to stenosis, blockage or reflux, leakage.
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How are heart valve diseases repaired or replaced?
Heart valves are important organs in the heart that help blood flow smoothly. Due to the continuous work, the heart valve is very susceptible to diseases, damage and no longer guaranteed to do its job well. At this point, the request to repair the heart valve or replace the heart valve will be made.
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Anesthesia for patients with percutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVI)
Gây mê cho bệnh nhân thay van động mạch chủ qua da là một phương pháp gây mê phức tạp nhưng đã mở ra hy vọng cho những bệnh nhân bị hẹp van động mạch chủ có yếu tố nguy cơ cao và không thể tiến hành phẫu thuật như thông thường.
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List of Vinmec doctors who can perform non-surgical percutaneous valve replacement (TAVI)
Thay van tim qua da không cần phẫu thuật (TAVI) là một biện pháp mới trong điều trị bệnh hẹp van động mạch chủ. Ưu thế của thủ thuật này là ít xâm lấn, nhẹ nhàng và đơn giản hơn phẫu thuật thay van động mạch chủ thông thường. Hiện nay Vinmec là bệnh viện đầu tiên tại Việt Nam thực hiện kỹ thuật này độc lập.
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Which patients are not suitable for percutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVI)?
Percutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVI) is one of the most complex cardiovascular interventions. The birth of the TAVI method has opened up hope for patients with aortic stenosis who have high risk factors and cannot undergo surgery.
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Treatment measures for aortic valve stenosis
Aortic valve stenosis interferes with the flow of blood in the body. If the disease is not treated early and properly, it will cause dangerous complications to health. So how to treat aortic valve stenosis? Please refer to the article below.
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Percutaneous valve replacement (TAVI) can recover, how long to be discharged from the hospital?
The following stories shared by customers will give a more general view of the treatment, recovery time and hospital discharge of patients who have undergone percutaneous valve replacement (TAVI).
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How is heart valve replacement surgery performed at Vinmec?
Heart valve replacement surgery is a necessary treatment when patients have heart valve damage that cannot be repaired or does not respond to medical treatments. This treatment has saved countless lives.
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