Home Tag Percutaneous gastrostomy

Articles in Percutaneous gastrostomy

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Taking care of patients with nasogastric tubes to avoid infection
The technique of nasogastric tube placement can be indicated for many subjects of all ages, the process of taking care of patients with nasogastric tube plays an important role in limiting inflammation or unfortunate complications. can happen.
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Nursing the patient through a nasogastric tube
Eating by mouth will bring comfort and deliciousness. However, some patients with some problems cannot eat by mouth and need to have a nasogastric tube for feeding.
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Note the menu and how to take care of patients eating through a nasogastric tube
Insertion of a nasogastric tube is an effective procedure in supporting the feeding and giving medication to patients who have lost the ability to eat by mouth. The technique of inserting a tube into the stomach is indicated depending on the purpose and duration of the treatment, and the appropriate method and type of catheter is selected. However, regardless of type, it is necessary to pay attention to the menu and how to care for patients eating through a nasogastric tube.
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How to feed the patient through a nasogastric tube?
Gastric bypass is a supportive procedure for people who cannot chew or swallow on their own (patients with cerebrovascular accident, head and neck trauma, mechanical obstruction of the upper gastrointestinal tract such as esophageal cancer, cancer of the gastrointestinal tract). oropharynx, mouth...). Learning about how to feed a patient through a nasogastric tube will help the patient's loved one become more confident and competent in caring for the patient.
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Gastric bypass: What you need to know
From the reality of the risk of infection and discomfort for patients who have to save the nasogastric tube for a long time, the endoscopic gastric bypass method was born and successfully applied on many patients. The procedure is fast (from 10 to 15 minutes), safe, with few complications, and can be performed right at the endoscopy room or hospital bed.
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Open gastric bypass to nourish patients with esophageal cancer
Esophageal cancer is an upper gastrointestinal cancer, with the 9th most common cancer incidence in the world, the 3rd most common cancer in the gastrointestinal tract (after stomach cancer and colorectal cancer). rectum), greatly affects the nutritional problems of patients, especially in advanced cancer stages. Therefore, the role of nasogastric tube feeding in esophageal cancer patients is very urgent.
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