Home Tag Papillary thyroid cancer

Articles in Papillary thyroid cancer

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Thyroid cancer should eat and what to avoid?
In addition to medical treatment, taking care and strengthening thyroid function with nutrition is also very necessary for patients with thyroid cancer. Let's find out what thyroid cancer patients should eat and what to avoid through the following article.
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Thyroid cancer can be cured if detected early and treated properly
Thyroid cancer has a better prognosis than many other cancers because well-differentiated cells (follicular, papillary, with low malignancy) account for 90% of thyroid cancers. Therefore, thyroid cancer can be cured if detected early and treated properly.
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Possible complications of thyroid cancer surgery
Thyroid surgery usually has few complications. However, like other types of surgery, surgical treatment of thyroid cancer still carries certain risks. The following information will help people have more knowledge about thyroid cancer treatment to make the right decision for their disease.
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Thyroid cancer surgery
Mortality from thyroid cancer is decreasing due to the increasing development of thyroid cancer diagnostic tools such as ultrasound and fine needle aspiration goiter.
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Thyroid cancer can be cured if detected early
Thyroid cancer is the most common cancer in women, accounting for 90% of all endocrine cancers. If detected early, the disease can be treated.
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