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Articles in Ostomy

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Common complications and how to care for the colostomy
Although ostomy is often meant to be temporary, many ostomy are created to improve quality of life. However, complications of colostomy often cause significant deterioration in quality of life and affect the patient's communication and daily life.
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Types of artificial anus are commonly used
There are many reasons that lead to an ostomy to bring stool and gas out of the body without passing through the rectum. Patients with colon and rectal cancer in advanced and/or complicated stages require colostomy.
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Can colostomy be removed using colostomy?
Hi doctor. In 2017, my father had colon cancer, had to remove a section of the colon about 10cm and use an artificial anus. To date, my father has been diagnosed with another tumor in the liver. The doctor asked me, can my father use an colostomy like that, can I use the method of removing the colon (enema) with a silicone bag? Hope to receive your reply soon, thank you.
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Having an artificial anus but still having anal faeces is dangerous?
Hi doctor. There is an artificial anus but still the main anus, so what's wrong, doctor? Thank you doctor.
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When can the colostomy be closed after peritoneal TB surgery?
I had peritoneal tuberculosis leading to intestinal perforation and had to have surgery, now using an ostomy. My TB treatment regimen is 12 months. I have been in treatment for 11 months now.
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Ulcers around the colostomy bag, what to do?
Dear doctor, I had an ostomy but I have ulcers around the place where the colostomy bag was attached. I glued the bag back. So what should I do about ulcers around the colostomy bag?
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How long does it take to close the colostomy?
Dear doctor! I have a broken pelvis, currently using an ostomy and passing urine due to bladder rupture.
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After 3 months of creating an artificial anus, there was mucus and blood in the natural anus
Hi doctor! My mother is 69 years old with colon cancer and has had surgery to remove the tumor and create an stoma for 3 months. For two days now, my mother has been sad to have a bowel movement through the anus naturally and come out with bloody mucus and a feeling of abdominal pain.
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What's wrong with the artificial anus showing mucus, protruding bunions?
The day before I was born, I did not have an anus, so I was admitted to the pediatric hospital for an artificial colostomy. I have not had a follow-up visit since the surgery. And for the past two years, my anus every time I squat or exert pressure to go down, something pops out. I have no pain or bleeding. In recent years, the anus is also accompanied by odorless mucus that always wets the underwear and causes a bit of itching in the area between the anus and the private area. The doctor asked me to ask if there is mucus in the colostomy, what's wrong with the bunion? Is it possible that I am having an colostomy?
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The skin around the artificial anus is red, swollen and slightly ulcerated, how to handle it?
The doctor asked me how the skin around the artificial anus is red, swollen and slightly ulcerated? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Does the artificial anus have a rotten smell?
Three children operated for colon rupture and the doctor opened an stoma for more than 20 days. The artificial anus is a bit big (probably the size of a mandarin). But now when I clean the artificial anus, I smell a rotten smell that is not like feces, sometimes there is little blood, no burning pain. The doctor asked me if the artificial anus has a bad smell? Thank you doctor.
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