Can colostomy be removed using colostomy?

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Hello doctor. In 2017, my father had colon cancer, had to remove a section of the colon about 10cm and use an artificial anus. To date, my father has been diagnosed with another tumor in the liver. The doctor asked me, can my father use an colostomy like that, can I use the method of removing the colon (enema) with a silicone bag? Hope to receive your reply soon, thank you.
Anonymous question
In case the colon has had surgery to do an stoma, it is necessary to carefully see if the previous surgery has removed the tumor or just made an stoma to solve the obstruction of the excretory tract.
In many cases, only a temporary colostomy is opened to prepare for a later surgery, which can be re-establishing gastrointestinal circulation so that the patient can defecate spontaneously, or radically removing the tumor (if the tumor is removed). surgery is indicated). This liver tumor detected needs to be clearly determined whether it is a primary liver injury or a secondary (metastatic) injury from the old colon.
Enema is rarely used for colostomy patients, usually only performed at the hospital in a few specific situations. You need to take your father to visit the Department of Gastroenterology for more specific advice.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
MSc Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
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