Home Tag Mitral valve prolapse

Articles in Mitral valve prolapse

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Diagnosis and treatment of mitral valve prolapse
Although mitral valve prolapse is not directly life-threatening, it can cause discomfort and directly affect the patient's life. Therefore, early diagnosis and prompt treatment are required.
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How is mitral regurgitation different from mitral stenosis?
Mitral regurgitation and mitral stenosis are both diseases related to heart valves. However, each disease has its own symptoms and effects on the health of the patient.
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Mitral valve prolapse: causes, symptoms
Although mitral valve prolapse is a disorder that will follow the patient for life, not everyone develops specific symptoms. There are cases where patients only find out they have mitral valve prolapse when they are diagnosed.
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Low posterior mitral stenosis
Heart valve stenosis, typically low posterior mitral stenosis, is one of the common cardiovascular diseases in developed countries as well as in Vietnam. If this disease is not treated in time and with the right regimen, it can cause many life-threatening complications.
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Complications of mitral valve prolapse
Mitral valve prolapse is a common cardiovascular disease, although not directly life-threatening, but in many cases can lead to many complications affecting health.
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Does mitral valve prolapse require surgery?
Hi doctor! I am 23 years old this year, 8.9 years ago I went to the hospital to see a strong heart disease: prolapse of the mitral valve before the mitral valve. After a week, I moved to another hospital and the doctor said there was nothing wrong.
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Is mitral valve degeneration dangerous?
Theo nghiên cứu, thoái hóa van 2 lá được xem là một trong những dạng thường gặp nhất của bệnh thực thể van 2 lá tại Mỹ và nhiều quốc gia phát triển khác. Vậy bệnh thoái hóa van 2 lá có nguy hiểm không?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics