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Articles in Menpeptine Enzymes

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The location of abdominal pain indicates what disease?
Abdominal pain can be just a normal phenomenon that is not dangerous, but it can also be a warning sign of a health problem. In some cases, abdominal pain is associated with certain disorders that require treatment and medication. Determining the location of abdominal pain and the nature of abdominal pain will help the doctor discover the underlying cause of this phenomenon.
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When should digestive enzymes not be used?
Digestive enzymes are the common name for a group of drugs that play a similar role to enzymes in the human intestinal tract. They are essential to aid digestion in people with pathological or physiological enzyme deficiencies. Like other drugs, the use of digestive enzymes needs to be strictly prescribed. However, how to use digestive enzymes properly, in which cases should not use digestive enzymes ... not everyone understands.
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What is indigestion? Causes and symptoms
Indigestion disease is usually not life-threatening, but affects daily activities, making patients tired. In case this phenomenon repeats many times, you may be suffering from a disease related to the digestive tract. Therefore, it should not be subjective but need to be examined and treated early.
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The role of digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are a term that is often confused with probiotics. Many people do not really understand the exact nature and effects of digestive enzymes, so they often add digestive enzymes in the wrong way, causing bad effects on the body.
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Malabsorption syndromes and digestive disorders
Malabsorption syndrome and digestive disorders are diseases of the digestive system, there are many causes of these two problems and the treatment is mainly based on the cause to avoid unwanted complications.
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Typical digestive disorders symptoms
Common symptoms of digestive disorders in adults and children are bowel disorders, abdominal pain, indigestion, due to an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, leading to intestinal dysbiosis.
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Do adults need digestive enzyme supplements?
Many people may think that as we age, the amount of digestive enzymes that the body produces decreases, making it more difficult to digest food. Some people think that digestive enzyme supplements should be taken with each meal. So, is this information correct?
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Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits without any visible damage to the digestive system with a frequency of at least one day. each week for the past three months.
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What diseases are common in the gastrointestinal tract?
Gastrointestinal diseases not only cause discomfort but also affect the patient's daily life and work. Timely detection and treatment will help you dispel anxiety about these diseases and lead a healthier life.
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Drugs that affect the gastrointestinal tract
Oral medications can affect the digestive system in a number of different ways. Although both prescription and over-the-counter medications are generally safe and effective, they can also be harmful to the stomach or cause intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, each person needs to know about drugs absorbed in the intestine and common side effects to have appropriate prevention.
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