Home Tag Liver function tests

Articles in Liver function tests

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Uses of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin
Inotuzumab Ozogamicin is a lab-created monoclonal antibody that targets cancer cells and prevents their proliferation. So what does Inotuzumab Ozogamicin work and how is it used? Let's also find out at Vinmec.com in the article below
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Quiz: Do you really understand your liver?
Once the liver has been damaged, it can lead to many other diseases that seriously affect the patient's health. Taking a quiz to check understanding of the liver can help users realize the important role of the liver, from which measures to protect the liver prevent disease.
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Is liver calcification dangerous?
Calcified liver nodules are the result of a chronic inflammatory lesion, caused by small stones forming in the biliary tract, deposition of bile pigments or dead worms. Liver calcification can leave dangerous complications, adversely affecting the liver and the overall health of people with this syndrome.
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Liver hemangioma should do?
Hi doctor! I was diagnosed with hemangioma in the liver 4 years ago, did an MR and the doctor said it was benign. I asked the doctor to advise me on the problem of hemangiomas in the liver, what should I do?
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Often itchy rash in the facial skin test liver disease?
Hi doctor! I have symptoms of liver pruritus papules, appearing in the facial skin with a few itchy red spots like mosquito bites, then disappearing quite quickly and often leaving white-headed blisters.
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Liver function and liver function tests
The liver performs important functions, including: metabolism, excretion and detoxification 1.1. Metabolic function Glucose metabolism The liver plays a role in regulating blood sugar of the body: The liver is the body's store of glucose in the form of glycogen.
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For a normal, healthy person, how often should a liver examination be performed?
Liver exams and liver function tests are needed to diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. These results are normal or abnormal does not always negate liver disease or confirm liver disease but requires analysis by your doctor. Since then, monitoring liver health is essential in comprehensive health care, especially in subjects at high risk of liver disease.
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Is the liver morphology small, size 114x23 okay?
Today, I had an ultrasound of the liver and the results showed that the liver had a small oblong shape, to the left flank, size 114x23. Doctor, can you tell me what's wrong with this liver shape? I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank you.
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Is the result of liver hemangioma 10×8mn okay?
I went for an ultrasound, the result is a liver hemangioma 10×8mn, is it okay? Ask your doctor for advice.
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How to assess hepatitis B status? How is the treatment?
Hello doctor! The doctor asked me, I am currently suffering from hepatitis B but I do not know how much the disease is developing and I also want to be treated. So, how to assess hepatitis B status?
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What do liver function tests mean?
My family member just tested with the following quantifications: AST: 44 U/L, ALT: 41 U/L, HBeAg: negative, HBV-DNA positive: 2.05x10^3 copies/ml (2,050 copies/ml) ( Quantitative threshold: 300 copies/ml). Doctor, tell me the meaning of liver function test indicators?
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