Home Tag Late stage bladder cancer

Articles in Late stage bladder cancer

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What you need to know about bladder cancer
Ung thư bàng quang là loại ung thư xảy ra ở bàng quang- cơ quan rỗng nằm tại vùng bụng dưới có chức năng chứa nước tiểu do thận thải ra. Theo đó, bệnh ung thư bàng quang nếu được thăm khám và điều trị ở giai đoạn sớm sẽ đem lại tiên lượng sống cao cho người bệnh.
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Risk factors for bladder cancer
Many people have risk factors but do not develop bladder cancer, while those with the disease may have few or no risk factors. However, it's important to know about the risk factors for bladder cancer because there may be things you can do to help lower your risk.
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Treatment prognosis in bladder cancer
Like other cancers, bladder cancer also goes through many stages, progressing from mild to severe. Determining which stage the disease is at is very important in the treatment and prognosis of bladder cancer.
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Developmental stages of bladder cancer
Bladder cancer is one of the most dangerous and life-threatening cancers. However, bladder cancer is curable if detected and treated early. Like other cancers, bladder cancer is also divided into several stages. Learn more about these stages in the article below.
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Signs of end stage bladder cancer
Late-stage bladder cancer often presents very complex symptoms. At this point, the cancer cells are no longer confined to the bladder, but have metastasized to the lymph nodes, affecting nearby organs such as the cervix, vagina, prostate, pelvic wall,... and metastasis to distant organs such as lungs, bones, liver.
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