Home Tag Lack of nutrition

Articles in Lack of nutrition

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What is Fericap?
What is Fericap? Fericap drug is known for its use to help supplement minerals, vitamins, especially folic acid, iron... The use of the wrong dose can cause side effects that negatively affect health. . Please refer to the article below for more information about the effects and precautions when using this drug.
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Uses of Mahead
Mahead is used for children from 6 years of age and older with the effect of supporting to supplement the body's magnesium deficiency. So how should Mahead be used to get the best effect?
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Uses of Fefurate
Fefurate is a drug used to treat or prevent anemia caused by iron deficiency and folic acid deficiency, especially in pregnant and lactating women and in malnourished patients. So how does Fefurate work and what should be noted when using the drug?
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Uses of the drug Magisix
Magisix belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, indicated for the treatment of magnesium deficiency. So how to use Magisix? Let's find out the necessary information about the drug Magisix through the article below.
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Uses of Ferrosanols
Thuốc Ferrosanols thuộc nhóm thuốc bổ sung vitamin và khoáng chất có thành phần chính cyanocobalamin cùng với sắt fumarat, pyridoxine, kém và acid folic thường được dùng để điều trị, dự phòng các trường hợp thiếu máu thiếu sắt hoặc tăng nhu cầu tạo máu. Vậy thuốc Ferrosanols công dụng như thế nào?
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The older the child, the thinner, is there anything to worry about?
Trẻ càng lớn càng gầy yếu, không tăng cân,... có thể do những nguyên nhân như: Ăn uống không đủ chất, thiếu hụt vitamin hoặc thậm chí mắc một số bệnh lý như nhiễm giun sán, bệnh tăng động giảm chú ý,...
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics