Home Tag Lack of concentration

Articles in Lack of concentration

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Uses of Mirenzine 5
Mirenzine 5 is used to treat migraine, vestibular disorders, lack of concentration, agitation, muscle spasms or cold extremities... Mirenzine 5 should not be used for people with symptoms of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. medication or are taking beta-blockers.
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Uses of Azitocin
Azitocin is a prescription drug. Adhering to the instructions and dosage of Azitocin will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Autism spectrum disorder in children
Autism spectrum disorder is a medical condition that impairs behavior, communication, and interaction with others. Autism spectrum disorder can be mild or severe. The cause is currently unknown.
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Signs of children with growth hormone disorders
Growth hormone disorder is a condition in which the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone. Excess or deficiency of growth hormone will cause effects on children. Therefore, when suspecting that their child has a growth hormone disorder, parents should not arbitrarily supplement hormones but should seek advice, examination and treatment from a specialist.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics