Home Tag Intestinal obstruction

Articles in Intestinal obstruction

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Diagnostic measures for intestinal obstruction
Intestinal obstruction is the stagnation of substances in the intestinal lumen. If left untreated, bowel obstruction can lead to bowel perforation. This condition causes the contents of the intestine, where many bacteria are found, to spread to the body cavities and lead to death. It is necessary to diagnose and treat intestinal obstruction promptly to avoid damage to the intestines, which greatly affects the patient's health.
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Differentiate between intestinal obstruction and paralytic ileus after surgery by CT
Intestinal obstruction and paralytic ileus are two possible complications after surgery. In order to distinguish and accurately diagnose mechanical intestinal obstruction or functional bowel paralysis after surgery, clinical examination and correct abdominal X-ray alone are not enough, it is necessary to use the method of computed tomography (CT).
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics