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Articles in Intestinal necrosis

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The dangers of necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis is a common condition in premature babies, many cases are brought to the hospital requiring surgery and long-term treatment. Without early detection and prompt treatment, neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis may die rapidly or suffer long-term complications of the disease.
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Does bowel obstruction require surgery?
In case the patient has a complete intestinal obstruction, does not respond to other treatment options or has complications after treatment, the doctor will recommend surgery for intestinal obstruction. Depending on the type of surgery and the patient's health condition, the recovery time will vary.
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Laparoscopic small bowel anastomosis: What you need to know
“Laparoscopic small bowel resection” refers to the surgical technique of removing an abnormal or diseased portion of the intestine (small intestine) and then restoring the digestive tract by laparoscopic abdominal surgery.
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Signs of intussusception in children and how to recognize them
Intussusception is a common complication in nursing infants, especially those with strong bowel movements. When intussusception, the blood vessels supplying the intestine are blocked, unable to feed the intussusception, which can lead to necrosis. Therefore, parents need to know the signs of intussusception in their children to take them to the emergency room and intervene promptly.
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Intestinal obstruction after surgery: What you need to know
Postoperative intestinal obstruction is a common complication after surgery in the abdomen and gastrointestinal tract. This complication can be dangerous if it is not detected, monitored and treated promptly. People with intestinal obstruction after surgery may have to cut many sections of the intestine, even life-threatening.
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Signs of abdominal pain across the umbilicus, throbbing each time warning of what disease?
Hello doctor, I have just had symptoms for about 30 minutes, abdominal pain (horizontal navel, right side), sharp pain (it hurts when standing, it doesn't hurt when sitting). Doctor, can I ask if I have a medical problem?
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What is the cause of the patient's surgery after the necrotic bowel is passed out?
Hi doctor! Let me ask: "What is the cause of the patient's surgery after the necrotic bowel is passed?". Thanks for the advice and answers!
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Adults can also get intussusception
Unlike intussusception in children, the cause is often unknown, intussusception in adults is most often caused by tumors, most often tumors in the small intestine and colon, in addition to mobile cecum, chronic ileocecal inflammation, ...
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Small bowel tumors: Formation and complications
Small bowel tumors can block the flow of food and affect digestion. When the tumor is large, it can cause intestinal obstruction, causing the patient to have abdominal pain. In addition, the long-term tumor bleeding will cause anemia.
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Does an umbilical hernia in a newborn go away on its own? When is it dangerous?
Thoát vị rốn ở trẻ sơ sinh có thể tự khỏi được. Những trường hợp ruột của trẻ bị lồng vào gây hoại tử ruột thì rất nguy hiểm, cần cho trẻ đến bệnh viện để kiểm tra và điều trị kịp thời.
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Intussusception in children progresses rapidly, needs early recognition and prompt emergency
Lồng ruột là nguyên nhân hàng đầu gây tắc ruột ở trẻ em. Hiện tượng này xảy ra khi khúc ruột phía trên di chuyển và chui vào lòng khúc ruột phía dưới (hay ngược lại), làm tắc nghẽn sự lưu thông của ruột.
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