Intussusception in children progresses rapidly, needs early recognition and prompt emergency

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Quoc Anh - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. The doctor has nearly 10 years of experience as a resident and treating physician.
Severe surgical intussusception is the leading cause of intestinal obstruction in children. This phenomenon occurs when the upper bowel moves and enters the lumen of the lower intestine (or vice versa), obstructing the bowel movement.

1. Intussusception is a common dangerous disease in young children

Intussusception in children can occur at any age, of which 80-90% of patients are children under 1 year old, most common in the age of 5 - 6 months. It occurs more often in boys than in girls, and is more common in chubby babies.
Most cases of intussusception have no identifiable cause. Many theories suggest that the cause is abnormal contractions of the intestines when switching from breastfeeding to solid foods, because the sizes of the intestines in babies are too different.
In rare cases, intussusception is associated with abnormalities such as tumors, polyps, infections that cause intestinal contractility.

2. Difficult or easy disease identification and recognition signs

Trẻ đột ngột đau bụng dữ dội, quấy khóc từng cơn, bỏ bú, nôn ói nhiều lần là dấu hiệu của bệnh lồng ruột ở trẻ
Trẻ đột ngột đau bụng dữ dội, quấy khóc từng cơn, bỏ bú, nôn ói nhiều lần là dấu hiệu của bệnh lồng ruột ở trẻ
The disease is usually not difficult to recognize with obvious symptoms.
A few hours after being sick: The disease usually manifests as acute with obvious symptoms such as sudden severe abdominal pain, intermittent crying, vomiting, and vomiting. Abdominal pain often comes on, the child may spontaneously eat and drink normally, suddenly cry, stop feeding, purple skin, then stop crying, even breast-feeding. This symptom lasts for several hours, the child becomes tired, the skin turns pale.
About 6-12 hours later: The child may have fresh blood in the stool with a bit of mucus. Observe the whole body: pale skin, dry lips, fast pulse, cold body, sunken eyes.
After 24 hours: If not handled promptly, the child will vomit continuously, the abdomen will gradually swell, the skin will be cold, pale, the pulse will be fast, small, signs of the intestines starting to necrosis.

3. How to deal with sick children

It is necessary to take the child to the doctor immediately to help identify the disease through examination and ultrasound.
The child will be airlifted if the disease is detected. This is done by inserting a small catheter into the rectum. The doctor will use an X-ray machine to check the place, the doctor will gradually inflate the intestine with moderate pressure until the intussusception is completely removed.
Children will be treated surgically if brought too late (usually more than 6 hours).
If the child arrives more than 24 hours late, the intussusception will swell, vascular obstruction and necrosis, the doctors will have to surgically remove the intussusception. Children will be at risk if the treatment is complicated by pneumonia and exhaustion.

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