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Articles in Impetigo

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What does Milian purple do?
Milian violet is a familiar antiseptic today. However, many people always wonder about the use and note when using milian violet. The following article will provide readers with general information about this popular topical drug.
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Uses of Supirocin
Supirocin medicine has the active ingredient Mupirocin, an antibiotic used to treat skin infections and prevent infections at the site of catheter removal or after skin surgery. The mechanism of action of mupirocin is to bind specifically to the bacterial enzyme isoleucyl transfer-RNA synthetase, thereby stopping protein synthesis and inhibiting RNA synthesis.
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Uses of Fucidin
Fusidin is a drug that is used by the skin route and is effective in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases with infectious factors. Let's learn about the uses of Fusidin through the article below.
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Bactronil topical side effects
Bactronil topical contains the active ingredient Mupirocin, indicated in the treatment of primary or secondary skin infections caused by sensitive bacteria such as folliculitis, impetigo, boils... Let's learn about the uses, Side effects and notes when using Bactronil through the article below.
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Uses of Derimucin
With the main ingredient is Mupirocin, Derimucin ointment has the effect of treating and preventing skin infections, impetigo. This is a topical cream, so there are precautions to use it safely.
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Uses of Skinrocin
Skinrocin is used in the treatment of folliculitis and impetigo. So, what is the dose of Skinrocin? What precautions should be taken when using Skinrocin? Let's find out more information about Skinrocin drug through the article below.
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Uses of Zincap 500
Zincap 500mg medicine contains the main ingredient is Cefuroxime axetil 500mg, a second generation Cephalosporin antibiotic. Zincap 500 is indicated for the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections,...
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Uses of Bacterocin Oint
Bacterocin Onit belongs to the group of drugs for the treatment of dermatological diseases, commonly used for local infections, especially in the skin. The necessary information about the uses, dosage, and usage of Bacterocin Oint will help patients use the drug effectively, and at the same time prevent the side effects that the drug brings.
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Uses of Tropea
Tropeal is manufactured and registered by Dat Vi Phu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Tropeal has the active ingredient Mupirocin in the strength of 100mg. Tropeal is effective in the treatment of dermatological diseases.
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Uses of Klacid 125mg/5ml
Klacid 125mg/5ml is a prescription drug, with the main ingredient being Clarithromycin, solution dosage form. Follow the article below to know what Klacid 125mg/5ml does? Dosage and how to use?
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Uses of Phitrenone
Phitrenone belongs to the group of dermatological topical ointments with the main ingredient being mupirocin, commonly used to treat purulent dermatitis, impetigo, burns or infections after skin surgery.
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