Home Tag Hypertensive emergency

Articles in Hypertensive emergency

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Beware of malignant hypertension
Malignant hypertension or malignant hypertension has dangerous symptoms such as blurred vision, inability to concentrate, anxiety, weakness in limbs. If not treated in time, there may be strokes, angina (acute myocardial infarction) or worse, heart failure - acute pulmonary edema. That is why it is called the "silent killer".
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Identify an emergency hypertensive crisis
Patients with a hypertensive emergency need immediate treatment in an emergency or intensive care unit, because a hypertensive emergency can be life-threatening. At this time, the patient needs to be given oxygen and use emergency antihypertensive drugs to improve the emergency hypertensive crisis.
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How to treat high blood pressure emergency
There are two cases of dangerous hypertension, namely, hypertensive emergency and hypertensive emergency. In particular, hypertensive emergency has the risk of causing serious damage if not treated promptly and properly.
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European Society of Cardiology Guidelines 2021 on the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure
Heart failure is the ultimate common pathway of cardiovascular diseases. Heart failure is divided into two types, acute heart failure and chronic heart failure. Acute heart failure can be a new-onset heart failure, but it can also be an aggravation of chronic heart failure.
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Urgent and urgent hypertension
Thuật ngữ "tăng huyết áp ác tính" đã đi vào từ vựng y khoa vào năm 1928 bởi vì, tại thời điểm đó, bệnh nhân mắc bệnh này có tiên lượng tương tự như bệnh nhân mắc nhiều bệnh ung thư. Tuy nhiên, hiện các liệu pháp hạ huyết áp có thể nhanh chóng và an toàn đã cải thiện kết quả.
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Treatment of hypertensive emergencies
Tăng huyết áp cấp cứu là tình trạng cấp cứu khẩn cấp đe dọa tính mạng người bệnh vì vậy người thầy thuốc cần có thái độ xử trí thích hợp.
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