Home Tag High dose antibiotics

Articles in High dose antibiotics

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Side effects of antibiotics
Antibiotics are used to treat or prevent certain types of bacterial infections by killing bacteria or preventing them from multiplying and spreading. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold, flu, and sore throat. Because many mild infections are cleared by the body's immune system without the use of antibiotics. However, if antibiotics are not prescribed and taken correctly, they can cause side effects and antibiotic resistance.
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What are high-dose antibiotics? Risk of use?
Antibiotics are a group of drugs used to treat diseases caused by bacteria by directly killing bacteria or slowing their growth. . In some serious acute infections, powerful, high-dose antibiotics are often used to save lives, but there are still some risks when using them that need to be borne in mind.
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Causes of digestive disorders after taking antibiotics
Viruses and bacteria are the main causes of digestive disorders and diarrhea. In addition, digestive disorders after taking antibiotics are also very common, especially in young children. This is an undesirable side effect and may resolve on its own after a few days of stopping antibiotics.
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