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Articles in hepatitis B vaccine

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Hepatitis B drug Entecavir: Uses, dosages, side effects
Entecavir is used to treat chronic hepatitis B virus infection in adults and children 16 years of age and older with evidence of active HBV replication, elevated blood DNA-HBV and persistent elevations in serum aminotransferase (ALT) levels. or AST) or histological evidence of active liver disease.
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Note when using anti-viral drugs for hepatitis B
People who have tested positive for hepatitis B virus for more than 6 months and have evidence of liver damage will be considered for treatment with hepatitis B antiviral drugs. In addition to medication, patients should also be monitored regularly. Know how to take care of your liver as well as your general health, in order to help the drug be more effective, and to limit further damage to the liver.
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Types of hepatitis: A, B, and C
Viral hepatitis is divided into three main types and all of them affect the patient's liver in varying degrees. Some symptoms of different types of hepatitis will be similar, but the treatment for each type will be different.
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Where can I buy medicine for hepatitis B?
Hello doctor, the other day I had a routine check-up at Vinmec and the results sent back were that I was infected with hepatitis B virus, can I take that result to get medicine? And can I get the medicine at my hospital or anywhere? Can you help me with a doctor's advice?
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Drugs for hepatitis B: What you need to know
The goals of specific medications for hepatitis B are to reduce the risk of worsening the condition, prevent hepatitis B from being passed on to others, and limit complications for the patient.
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Diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health
Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the HBV virus, which, if not treated and controlled well, can cause dangerous complications such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, etc. provide information on hepatitis B treatment regimens under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.
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What you need to know about Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis B is one of the dangerous chronic diseases, causing the death of more than 600,000 people every year worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, there are currently more than 300 million people infected with Hepatitis B worldwide, this number is constantly increasing from 3 to 4 million people every year. Through the following article, we will provide the most general information about this disease.
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When and how is the hepatitis B virus transmitted from mother to child?
The Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health recently said that the hepatitis B virus infection rate in Vietnam is about 10-20% of the population, especially in pregnant women and children. Children who transmit hepatitis B virus from their mothers can develop cirrhosis and liver cancer in the future. The following article will help mothers answer the question of when and how the hepatitis B virus is transmitted from mother to child.
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Is it okay to get pregnant after getting the Hepatitis B vaccine?
Nhiều phụ nữ không biết đang chích ngừa viêm gan B thì có thai được không, có ảnh hưởng gì đến thai nhi không? Bởi có những trường hợp đang chích ngừa viêm gan B mà lại có thai hoặc có ý định mang bầu ngay trong thời gian của liệu trình chích ngừa chưa kết thúc.
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Effects of hepatitis B on pregnant mothers
Viêm gan B (HBV) là một bệnh nhiễm trùng do virus tấn công gan gây ra viêm gan cấp và mạn tính, có thể dẫn đến xơ gan và ung thư gan. Ước tính trên thế giới có khoảng 240 triệu người đang bị nhiễm virus viêm gan B mạn tính, hơn 686.000 người chết mỗi năm do biến chứng của bệnh. Đặc biệt, nếu bà bầu bị viêm gan B sẽ có những ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe thai nhi.
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Learn about the HBsAb test in the diagnosis of hepatitis B
Viêm gan siêu vi B là một trong những nguyên nhân phổ biến dẫn đến xơ gan và ung thư gan. Xét nghiệm HBsAb giúp đo lường nồng độ kháng thể do cơ thể tạo ra để chống lại virus này. Tuy nhiên, trong mỗi bệnh cảnh cụ thể lại có cách giải thích kết quả khác nhau. Các kiến thức sau đây phần nào sẽ giúp mỗi người tự nhận định kết quả xét nghiệm HBsAb cho riêng mình.
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