Home Tag Hepatitis B infection

Articles in Hepatitis B infection

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How can my child not get hepatitis B from his father?
Hi doctor! I have chronic hepatitis B, but my wife does not, now I want to have children. The doctor asked me how to prevent my child from getting hepatitis B from my father? Ask your doctor for advice and advice.
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Can a person with hepatitis B being treated during sex transmit the infection to their partner?
Hi doctor! May I ask if a patient with hepatitis B who is being treated during sex can infect his or her partner? If yes, what is the amount of virus in the blood when tested? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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What causes hepatitis B infection?
My wife has hepatitis B level 573 and is inactive but anti HBS has 9.8 antibodies. So the doctor told me the cause of hepatitis B infection? Did my wife get hepatitis B from me because I also have hepatitis B. What is the treatment?
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Can a mother with hepatitis B pass it on to her baby?
I gave birth to a 9-month-old baby and found out I had hepatitis B. I was very worried. So the doctor asked me if a mother who has hepatitis B can pass it on to her baby? What is the method of treatment? Thank you doctor
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Does hepatitis B 9 months after birth have any effect?
Hello doctor, I was born 9 months old and found out I have hepatitis B. Doctor let me ask if there is any effect of having hepatitis B 9 months after birth? What is the method of treatment? I thank you.
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What is the cause of hepatitis B infection?
Hello doctor, I went to a health checkup, everything was normal, but I was positive for hepatitis B. So the doctor told me what is the cause of hepatitis B infection? Thank you doctor.
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How long is the incubation period for hepatitis B?
I was exposed to a person with hepatitis B, after 3 months I had a test and the result was negative. So how long is the incubation period for hepatitis B? Are such test results accurate? Or have to wait 6 months to be exact? Thank you.
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How is hepatitis B transmitted?
Recently, I was playing sports and got into a collision with a friend, the result was that she bit me and bled. She also just tested for hepatitis B. The doctor told me how hepatitis B is transmitted? Am I contagious? Thank you doctor.
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Can a mother with hepatitis B breastfeed her baby?
Hello doctor, I have hepatitis B. So the doctor asked me if a mother with hepatitis B can breastfeed her baby? Thank you.
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Can hepatitis B be transmitted through breast milk?
Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ là mong ước của tất cả người làm mẹ, đây cũng là nguồn dinh dưỡng tốt nhất trong những năm tháng đầu đời của trẻ. Tuy nhiên, với những bệnh nhân mắc bệnh viêm gan B có được thực hiện cho con bú như nhiều các bà mẹ khác hay không?
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Transmission of hepatitis B to the fetus during pregnancy
Viêm gan B là bệnh lây lan trong cộng đồng qua đường quan hệ tình dục, truyền máu và từ mẹ sang con. Nhiễm viêm gan virus B là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng đối với phụ nữ mang thai, đặc biệt là nguy cơ lây nhiễm viêm gan B trong thai kỳ. Vì vậy, bà mẹ mang thai cần hiểu về cách dự phòng để tránh nguy cơ nhiễm viêm gan B cho thai nhi.
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