Home Tag Heart valve surgery

Articles in Heart valve surgery

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Treatment of tricuspid valve disease by minimally invasive open-heart surgery with endoscopic support
Tricuspid regurgitation, when mild, does not require treatment, but only needs regular monitoring. When tricuspid regurgitation becomes severe, it will be very dangerous if you are not treated promptly and properly. Currently, minimally invasive open-heart surgery to repair the heart valve or replace it with an artificial heart valve is applied in the treatment of severely ill patients that cannot be treated medically.
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Closing of the atrial septal defect with minimally invasive open-heart surgery
Cardiovascular interventional techniques through catheters have a history of development more than 40 years. Recent studies have shown that this method has many outstanding advantages over traditional open surgery and can be performed routinely for some heart diseases, especially intervention to close the atrial septal defect. .
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Minimally invasive open-heart surgery with laparoscopic support, mitral valve replacement
Heart valve disease is one of the common diseases in the group of congenital heart diseases. Previously, the mainstay of treatment was open-heart surgery to repair or replace the mitral valve. Today, with the advent of modern technical means, the minimally invasive open-heart surgery method was born and gradually proved its advantages. Laparoscopic heart surgery is gradually becoming an alternative in the treatment of valvular heart disease.
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How are heart valve diseases repaired or replaced?
Heart valves are important organs in the heart that help blood flow smoothly. Due to the continuous work, the heart valve is very susceptible to diseases, damage and no longer guaranteed to do its job well. At this point, the request to repair the heart valve or replace the heart valve will be made.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics