Home Tag Heart failure in children

Articles in Heart failure in children

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Causes of acute heart failure in children
Acute heart failure (STC) refers to a rapid onset or worsening of the symptoms and/or signs of heart failure, which is life-threatening, often resulting in hospitalization, requiring emergency evaluation and treatment. /emergency. Acute heart failure is a relative term used to describe heart failure that progresses rapidly over hours to days. The clinical feature of STC is the presentation of acute circulatory failure with cardiogenic shock. The pathophysiological feature is total heart failure (both right and left heart failure).
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Heart failure in children
Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure, occurs when the heart doesn't work to pump blood as well as it should, and blood becomes blocked in the blood vessels (congestion). A lot of people think that heart failure only happens to adults, but actually people of all ages are at risk for heart failure, including infants, children, and adolescents.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics