Home Tag HBeAb test

Articles in HBeAb test

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Anti (Hbs) immunity to hepatitis B infection?
I tested for hepatitis B with the following results: -Hbsag fast: m calculated; -Hbeab rapid test: positive. After the test was over, the doctor told me to go back for a test at a liver hospital because the doctor said the quick test did not evaluate it all properly because I told the doctor that I had received 4/5 doses of hepatitis vaccine. B and the 5th dose is in 2022. And the doctor told me to go back for a test at a liver specialist hospital and the result was Anti (Hbs) >1000.00 and the doctor said I was immune to hepatitis B virus and said the first place I tested positive for Hbeab was the false result. Doctor let me ask if anti-HBs immunity is infected with hepatitis B
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HBeAb test in the diagnosis of hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is very common and highly contagious. To accurately diagnose the progression and severity of hepatitis B, HBeAg and HBeAb tests are needed.
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