Home Tag Gastrointestinal tract

Articles in Gastrointestinal tract

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What is endoscopic interventional gastrointestinal tract?
Thanks to the development of medicine, the interventions on the body parts are limited to the lowest level, especially the endoscopic gastrointestinal intervention array. This technique is now being widely applied to treat many diseases instead of requiring surgery in the past.
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Imaging features on ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract
These days, digestive tract-related diseases are becoming one of the common diseases that can happen to any age and gender. Therefore, the diagnosis of digestive tract diseases is extremely important to be able to detect the disease early, thereby having appropriate treatment. One of the paraclinical methods to support the diagnosis of these diseases is the gastrointestinal ultrasound, which is being widely developed in most medical facilities.
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Gastrointestinal interventional endoscopy: What you need to know
Interventions on body parts are limited to the lowest level, especially endoscopic gastrointestinal interventions. This technique is being widely applied to treat many diseases instead of requiring surgery.
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What organs does the digestive system consist of?
The digestive system is not only responsible for metabolizing and absorbing nutrients from food, but also supporting the production of energy for the body, repair and growth of cells. Any problem in any part of the digestive system can affect the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients by the body.
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Learn about endoscopic hemostasis injection
Endoscopic hemostasis is one of the most widely applied techniques in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Thanks to this method, a wide range of patients can be treated with minimal invasiveness
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Treatment of esophageal stricture under bright X-ray
Esophageal stricture is a condition in which part of the esophagus is damaged, causing the esophageal lumen to narrow, blocking the passage of food to the stomach. The narrowing of the esophagus makes it difficult for patients to eat and drink, often choking, difficulty swallowing and feeling chest pain.
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What is a fistula x-ray?
Chụp X quang là phương pháp chẩn đoán bằng hình ảnh có giá trị cao trong quá trình điều trị. Vậy chụp X quang đường rò như thế nào và các phương pháp và xử lý trong trường hợp có tai biến xảy ra.
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The procedure of performing ultrasound of the digestive tract
Siêu âm ống tiêu hóa là kỹ thuật chẩn đoán hình ảnh được thực hiện bằng máy siêu âm để chẩn đoán các bệnh lý ở ống tiêu hóa mang tính định hướng cho các kỹ thuật cao hơn như chụp cắt lớp vi tính, nội soi để xác định.
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Treatment of gastrointestinal fistula after surgery
Thuật ngữ Rò tiêu hóa (Enterocutaneous fistula) dùng để chỉ một thương tổn của ông tiêu hóa, mà qua thương tổn đó các chất trong lòng ống qua thành ngực, thành bụng... thoát ra ngoài cơ thể. Rò tiêu hóa không bao gồm Thương tổn mà các chất trong lòng ống tiêu hóa qua chỗ xì ở đường khâu, chỗ bục ở miệng nối, chỗ thủng, chỗ rách, chỗ hoại tử ở thành ruột... chảy vào ổ bụng gây viêm phúc mạc.
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