Home Tag gallstone treatment

Articles in gallstone treatment

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Ursodiol: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Ursodiol is used to treat and prevent the formation of gallstones in people who are obese. In addition, Ursodiol is also used to treat liver diseases. The drug is taken orally under the direction of a doctor.
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What is Actigall used for?
Actigall is used to treat and prevent gallstones from forming or to help dissolve certain types of stones. However, Actigall should be used when prescribed by a doctor to avoid possible unwanted side effects such as stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea...
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Uses of Pancrezyme
Pancrezym belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs in the form of tablets. The main ingredient of Pancrezym is ursodeoxycholic acid, which is indicated in the improvement of chronic hepatitis function.
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Note when using pain relievers in the treatment of gallstones
The process of using gallstone pain relievers and oral gallstone dissolving drugs is a medical treatment that requires a long time. The method of using specific drugs to treat gallstones is often applied to patients who cannot have surgery.
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Prevention of common bile duct stones recurrence after surgery
After successful surgical removal of bile duct stones, many patients subjectively think that they have gotten rid of this disease. However, the disorder of bile metabolism is one of the main causes of stones that Western medicine treatments are not easy to deal with. Therefore, gallstones will likely recur after 3-5 years of treatment.
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Open cholecystectomy: What you need to know
Open cholecystectomy is surgery to remove the gallbladder with an incision directly on the abdominal wall, to treat gallstones, cholecystitis, pancreatitis... Open cholecystectomy is more invasive. Endoscopic surgery
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Methods of diagnosis and treatment of common bile duct stones
Common bile duct stones are a type of stone in the biliary tract, which can cause quite complicated complications such as biliary tract infection, acute pancreatitis and, if untreated, can progress to sepsis and potentially death. death.
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How much does gallstone surgery cost?
Hello doctor, I have gallstones, 2 inflammation 14mm. I want laparoscopic gallstone surgery, how much does it cost? Please advise, thank you doctor.
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Medicines to reduce inflammation of the bile ducts
Hello doctor! My mother is 55 years old this year and has operated 4 times for gallstones. My mother is currently diagnosed with cholecystitis (she has had her gallbladder removed). Can I ask if there is any medicine to reduce the inflammation of the gall bladder?
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Besides injections to relieve pain, is there any other treatment for gallstones and gallbladder sludge?
My grandmother is 86 years old this year, my grandmother has a stomachache, going to the doctor, the doctor said that the gallstones are now big and have gallstones, so now she can't operate and only inject pain relief. Doctor, let me ask you, apart from pain relief injection, is there any other method to treat gallstones and gallbladder sludge?
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Effective treatment for gallstones?
The doctor told me how to treat gallstones effectively
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