Home Tag Early stage cancer

Articles in Early stage cancer

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Psychological characteristics of cancer patients
Tinh thần của bệnh nhân có thể tác động lớn tiến trình điều trị, vì vậy, hiểu rõ đặc điểm tâm lý bệnh nhân ung thư có vai trò quan trọng trong điều trị bệnh ung thư.
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Cancer stages: 5 important reasons you need to know
In cancer treatment, determining the stages of cancer is an extremely necessary step, so that we can easily assess the progression and severity of the disease, support the plan. treatment
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What emotions can the discovery of cancer cause?
Psychological development of cancer patients usually goes through 5 stages: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance. Understanding the psychology of cancer patients will help a lot in treatment.
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What to do when diagnosed with cancer
When newly diagnosed with cancer, patients should ask their doctors how much time they have to make decisions about their treatment options and to begin cancer treatment.
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Ways to relieve stress for cancer patients
Relieve stress caused by cancer will be more difficult when the patient has to face pressure from work and family. Long-term stress weakens the immune system and causes health problems.
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Psychological crisis in cancer patients
Treatment time is long, painful, with many side effects, leading to many patients having psychological crisis. Cancer causes patients to avoid treatment, allowing the tumor to wreak havoc on the body.
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What cancer patients often ask before starting treatment
Cancer patients always have anxiety, insecurity, discomfort, unwillingness to receive treatment and also indirectly affect the results of treatment.
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