Psychological crisis in cancer patients

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Treatment time is long, painful, with many side effects, leading to many patients having psychological crisis. Cancer causes patients to avoid treatment, allowing the tumor to wreak havoc on the body.

1. Psychological crisis often seen in cancer patients

Cancer can affect patients from many aspects such as self-esteem, sense of self, religious beliefs or sense of self worth... Some people struggle with many other emotions. or move through different emotional stages, the order of which is not always predictable. These feelings can come on suddenly and be persistent.
The emotional reactions of a dying patient's caregiver, parent, or sibling have a direct impact on the patient and should require special attention. Patients and relatives at different stages of the disease may have different emotional reactions. Therefore, determining the stage of the disease is not only to choose the appropriate treatment regimen, but also to better support the patient's psychological well-being.

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Bệnh nhân ảnh hưởng từ cảm xúc từ gia đình

2. Psychological crisis in cancer patients like?

Psychological crisis in cancer patients usually goes through the following 5 stages:
Denial This is only a temporary psychological resistance. “No, I'm fine”; "This can't happen to me." After that, the patient quickly realized he was facing something serious.
Outrage In the second stage, the patient realizes that he cannot continue to deny it forever. They can get jealous and throw tantrums, making socializing around a huge challenge.
“Why me, it's not fair?”
“How could it happen to me? “;
“Who did this?”.
The stronger an individual in life is, the more prone to outbursts of resentment and envy.
Bargaining Negotiating involves the patient's hope of prolonging or delaying death. Usually, they find ways to prolong life.
“As long as I live to the day my kids graduate”
“I will do everything I can to live a few more years”
“I understand I will die but I just want more time “...
Depression In this 4th stage, the person understands that death is certain. As a result, they may become silent, refuse to see others, take time to cry and grieve.

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Bệnh nhân ung thư trầm cảm
This process cuts the patient off from things related to love and illness because they have a calming effect on them.
“I'm so sad, I'm going to die. Why care about other things?"
“I am about to lose my dearest person”.
Acceptance This stage the patient begins to accept that death will come
“It will be over soon”
“I can't resist, it's best to prepare for it”.
Besides, according to each process of cancer diagnosis and treatment, patients also have many related psychological crises. These psychological influences greatly affect beliefs, fighting spirit and ability to treat diseases, so early intervention is necessary.

3. Psychological crisis in cancer patients needs intervention

In general, cancer patients at any stage, no matter how they are treated, have certain psychological crises, which are different in each person and each situation. But they always need spiritual encouragement and proper treatment information from family and doctors.

Khủng hoảng tâm lý ở bệnh nhân ung thư cần được can thiệp
Khủng hoảng tâm lý ở bệnh nhân ung thư cần được can thiệp
Psychology and spirit are very important to determine the effectiveness of treatment as well as prolong the life time and quality of life for the patient.
Psychological Clinic - Vinmec International General Hospital officially came into operation in April 2019, has the function of examining, consulting and outpatient treatment of psychological problems and psychological health. With modern equipment, Vinmec Psychological Health Clinic is currently cooperating with experienced professors and experts:
MSc. Doctor Nguyen Van Phi - Psychologist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 7 years of experience working as a lecturer in Psychiatry - Hanoi Medical University, Doctor Psychiatrist at Hanoi Medical University Hospital & Central Geriatric Hospital, and a member of the Vietnam Psychiatric Association. MSc. Dr. Pham Thanh Luan - Psychiatrist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 5 years of experience in research and treatment of Psychiatric diseases, trained at prestigious universities professional practice in the French Republic. MSc. Doctor Nguyen Trong Hien - Psychiatrist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital: with 6 years as a lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry - Hanoi Medical University and Central Geriatric Hospital, together with Dr. Experience in research and treatment of diseases in Psychiatry such as: Emotional disorders, stress related disorders and body dysmorphic disorders, developmental disorders in children, adolescents & childbirth .... Along with the combination of implementing psychological tests, intensive psychotherapy for diagnosis and treatment, in order to bring the best medical examination and treatment effect.
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