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Articles in Digoxin

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Uses of LitorAPC 10
LitorAPC 10 is the preferred drug class indicated for the treatment of lowering total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides and for increasing HDL-cholesterol. The following article will help you better understand the uses of LitorAPC 10.
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Uses of Sandoz Montelukast CHT 4mg
The drug Sandoz Montelukast CHT 4mg is used in the prevention and treatment of chronic asthma with the main ingredient being Montelukast. Let's learn more about the Sandoz Montelukast drug line through the article below.
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Note when using Digoxin to treat severe heart failure
Heart failure and severe heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome that results from physical damage or dysfunction of the heart leading to an inability of the ventricles to receive blood (diastolic heart failure). or ejection (systolic heart failure). Currently, medicine has many solutions to treat heart failure patients, including patients with severe heart failure. Digoxin drug to treat heart failure has been interested in recent times. The following article will provide some precautions when using Digoxin to treat severe heart failure.
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