Home Tag Dark circles under eyes

Articles in Dark circles under eyes

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30-second eye massage this way will reduce your dark circles
Proper eye massage is one of the simple, easy-to-apply measures at home, helping to reduce eye fatigue and effectively reduce dark circles. So how to massage your eyes properly?
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Are dark circles under a baby's eyes anything unusual?
Dark circles under a baby's eyes are generally not a sign of illness or lack of sleep in children. In fact, the most common cause of dark, slightly bluish circles under the eyes is a stuffy nose, which causes the veins around the eyes to become larger and darker. So how are dark circles under the eyes treated in children?
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What does dark circles under the eyes indicate?
Dark circles under the eyes are a common symptom of staying up late or having trouble sleeping. However, dark circles under the eyes can also be a warning sign of health problems such as kidney or liver problems.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics