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Articles in Colon tumors

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Revealing the secret of full recovery after only 3 days of surgery for colon tumors
Colon tumor surgery in particular and surgery in general bring both psychological and physical stress to the patient. In addition to worries and insecurities about their own disease and the results of surgery for malignant or benign colon tumors, the patient's primary concern is pain and pain relief during surgery. Therefore, to help patients accept and gently overcome this challenge, it is necessary to provide them with what they need to know about pain and pain relief after colon cancer surgery.
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Should a colonoscopy be performed normally or under general anesthesia?
Hi doctor! I had a right colon tumor that was removed in 2017, I went for a routine check-up, and the doctor said the indicators were normal and no need for a colonoscopy. I feel worried because many times before, I have been examined and tested, but I can't find anything, but only after colonoscopy can I detect it. The strange thing for me is that when I have a test for surgery, the CEA index is still low. So I wonder if I should do a colonoscopy myself to check or not and should I do a regular colonoscopy or sedation? After 8 months of surgery, I had the endoscopy again and the results were normal (March 2018). What do I need to do if I want a gastroscopy with anaesthesia? What tests are needed and can I have them first? Please consult your doctor. Thank you!
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Suspected colon tumor, sigmoid colon, liver detected some tumors should do?
Hi Doctor! I went for an ultrasound and the results showed that I suspected colon tumor, sigmoid colon found that the liver had a few scattered tumors in the liver. The sonographer asked me to go to the hospital to do the necessary tests because he suspected that I had metastatic colon cancer to the liver.
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Abdominal pain, passing a lot of fluid is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor! I have abdominal pain (sometimes like a bowel movement) but not the type of bowel movement (1 at most only 2 times a day, rarely 3 times). When you have a bowel movement, you don't pass stools as usual, but come out with liquid (sitting for 2-3 minutes, then no more abdominal pain and no stools)? Usually I eat very little. The doctor told me that abdominal pain, a lot of fluid in the stool is a sign of what disease? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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Is it because of hemorrhoids in the elderly?
My father is 60 years old. He went to the toilet many times a day about (5 - 6 times) for 1 month now. So the doctor asked me to ask if the elderly have frequent bowel movements because of hemorrhoids? If so, which specialist should I take my father to?
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Learn about lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the common causes of hospitalization for digestive diseases. Colonoscopy is the initial procedure used in nearly all patients
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Is it okay to eat less with difficult bowel movements after surgery for a malignant colon tumor?
My mother operated on malignant colon tumor half a month ago. At first, I went to eat porridge for about 4.5 days, then switched to rice, but ate all vegetarian food. About 3 days ago, she ate little and had difficulty defecation. The pain in the abdomen is tingling and then it goes away, the pain lasts a few minutes, but it repeats. So the doctor asked me to eat less with difficult bowel movements after surgery for malignant colon tumor?
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Technical procedure for CT colonoscopy with virtual endoscope
Quy trình kỹ thuật chụp CT đại tràng có nội soi ảo là phương pháp chẩn đoán hình ảnh hiện đại, cho phép phát hiện những bất thường, tổn thương hoặc các bệnh lý khối u ở đại tràng mà nhiều các phương pháp khác không thực hiện được.
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Computed tomography (CT) of the colon using liquid or gas with virtual endoscopy
Chụp cắt lớp đại tràng là kỹ thuật sử dụng tia X thông qua một máy quét để khảo sát hình ảnh cấu trúc của vùng đại tràng. Kỹ thuật chụp cắt lớp đại tràng cho hình ảnh rõ ràng và chi tiết. Ngoài ra còn có khả năng dựng hình đại tràng từ các lát cắt ngang nên chúng còn có tên là nội soi đại tràng ảo.
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Procedure of virtual endoscopic colonoscopy
Chụp cộng hưởng từ nội soi ảo đại tràng là kỹ thuật thăm khám được chỉ định khi bác sĩ cần có bằng chứng để chẩn đoán chính xác tình trạng bệnh lý khối choán chỗ trong lòng đại tràng hoặc chẩn đoán phân biệt với các khối u xuất phát từ ngoài đại tràng.
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Screening for colorectal cancer
The primary purpose of colorectal cancer screening is to avoid mortality from colorectal cancer. Screening tests can help find UT at an early and treatable stage. Screening also helps prevent cancer by finding and identifying precancerous lesions and treating these lesions before they progress to malignancy.
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