Home Tag Cirrhosis F4

Articles in Cirrhosis F4

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How long do you live with end stage cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis is a dangerous chronic disease that, if not detected and treated promptly, can leave many dangerous complications, even death. So if you have end stage cirrhosis, how long can you live and are there any treatments that can increase the survival time for the patient?
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Can F4 cirrhosis be treated?
Dear doctor, I have cirrhosis of the liver F4 can it be treated? Ask your doctor for advice.
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Men with flatulence, abdominal distension, how to treat?
I've had gas and bloating for almost a week. Stomach bloating, discomfort, pain when eating, not eating, stomach pain and watery stools. I have a history of cirrhosis of the liver F4 and stomach. So the doctor told me how to treat men with flatulence and bloating? Should I have an abdominal puncture? Thank you doctor.
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Is the ARFI ultrasound technique safe and accurate?
Xơ gan là giai đoạn muộn của tổn thương gan mạn tính, lâu dần tình trạng xơ hóa gan sẽ chuyển thành xơ gan và ung thư gan. Vì vậy, đo độ xơ hóa gan là rất cần thiết trong việc điều trị nhằm góp phần làm giảm sự tiến triển. Trong đó, ARFI là kỹ thuật siêu âm đo độ xơ hóa gan an toàn, chính xác, và đem lại hiệu quả cao.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics