Home Tag Cirrhosis caused by alcohol

Articles in Cirrhosis caused by alcohol

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Uses of Songtaisi
Songtaisi is a drug containing the main ingredient Glutathione, which is used to improve metabolism and metabolism, helping to remove toxic exogenous substances.
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Can alcoholic cirrhosis be treated with stem cell transplantation?
Hello doctor! My father is 65 years old this year, has Child-Pugh B alcoholic cirrhosis (7 points). Besides, there are also gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal varices grade III, varicose veins grade III. Peptic ulcer scars and type 2 diabetes. The doctor asked me with my father's condition, can cirrhosis of the liver be treated with stem cell transplantation?
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Test significance in alcoholic liver injury
Drinking a lot of alcohol on a regular basis is harmful to the body, especially the liver. The test helps to assess the extent of liver damage / function and is a great support for monitoring the progress and results of alcohol cessation. The identification of alcoholic liver disease is based on two sources of information: evidence of excessive alcohol consumption and evidence of liver disease as demonstrated by laboratory/laboratory findings.
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How does alcohol harm the liver?
Alcohol in general is the most commonly used alcoholic beverage today. We all know that drinking alcohol is bad for our health, but the reality is that very few people fully understand how alcohol harms the liver?
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Esophageal varices have how many degrees?
Esophageal varices are one of the common complications of portal hypertension in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Esophageal varices can be detected endoscopically, and in severe and severe degrees can rupture and cause gastrointestinal bleeding. So how many degrees of esophageal varices?
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How is alcoholic cirrhosis treated?
Hello doctor, Doctor, can you tell me how to treat people with K70 cirrhosis due to alcohol? If I am in pain, can I take any pain reliever? Please advise, thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics