Home Tag Chronic myeloid leukemia

Articles in Chronic myeloid leukemia

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Chronic myeloid leukemia: Diagnosis and treatment
Bệnh bạch cầu dòng tế bào tủy xương hay bạch cầu mạn dòng tủy (CML) là bệnh ung thư hiếm gặp của tủy xương - mô xốp bên trong xương có chức năng tạo ra các tế bào máu.
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Uses of Asciminib
Cancer is a dangerous disease and is on the rise, one of which is chronic myeloid leukemia. To treat this disease, the oncologist may prescribe the patient to take Asciminib. So what is Asciminib and how should patients use it?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics