Home Tag Chronic kidney failure

Articles in Chronic kidney failure

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What is Ketosteril?
Ketosteril is a drug used for people with protein metabolism disorders when they have chronic kidney disease. This drug is also used in the treatment of malnutrition or protein deficiency due to diet. So what is ketosteril?
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Advice on kidney transplantation for people with end-stage chronic kidney failure
I have end-stage renal failure, currently on dialysis in the district, I would like to consult a kidney transplant for people with end-stage chronic kidney failure.
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Living with chronic kidney disease
Bệnh thận mãn tính là một tình trạng suy giảm chức năng thận có thể do nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra. Suy thận mãn tính mặc dù không thể chữa khỏi được, nhưng nếu kiểm soát tốt thì bạn có thể sống chung lâu dài với bệnh.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics