Home Tag Chest X-ray

Articles in Chest X-ray

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Is angina with difficulty breathing during vigorous exercise dangerous?
I was breathing heavily with pain under my left flank. Vigorous or strenuous exercise causes tightness in the chest and sometimes chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Can you tell me if angina with difficulty breathing is dangerous when exercising vigorously?
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What's wrong with middle chest pain?
I've been having chest pain for about 6 months now, it feels like muscle pain but I think it's not. When I exercise or sometimes take a deep breath, I also have pain. So the doctor asked me if the pain in the middle of the chest lasts for a long time? Thank you doctor.
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Chest heaviness with pain in the middle of the chest is a sign of what disease?
I feel heavy in the chest and sometimes feel tired, pain in the middle of the chest, sometimes to the left and sometimes when lying down, I feel my chest hit hard like nervous. Doctor told me heaviness in the chest with pain in the middle of the chest is a sign of what disease? Thank you doctor.
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Basic chest X-ray reading steps
X quang là phương pháp xét nghiệm cận lâm sàng quan trọng nhất trong việc chẩn đoán bệnh lý về phổi hoặc xương. X quang ngực là một xét nghiệm thường quy trong thăm khám và điều trị nhiều bệnh lý, nhất là bệnh lý liên quan tới đường hô hấp.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics