Home Tag Cellulitis around the jaw bone

Articles in Cellulitis around the jaw bone

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Uses of Apha-bevagyl
To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of bacterial infections, doctors may use a combination of antibiotics. Therefore, medicinal preparations are manufactured with ingredients that have already been combined with a number of specific antibiotic combinations for convenience in use, Apha bevagyl is also one of them. So what is Apha bevagyl and how does it treat it?
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Uses of Phupogyl
Phupogyl contains 2 main ingredients, Acetyl spiramycin 100mg and Metronidazol 125mg, in the form of film-coated tablets. Complying with the indications and doses of Phupogyl will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of Rotaforte
Rotaforte contains metronidazole and spiramycin as the main ingredients. Rotaforte is used in the treatment of oral infections such as: gingivitis, stomatitis, submandibular inflammation or crown inflammation,... Here are some useful information about Rotaforte to help patients learn and Use medications safely and effectively.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics