Home Tag Causes of thyroid cancer

Articles in Causes of thyroid cancer

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Thyroid autoimmune disease markers
Ở nhiều bệnh nhân suy giáp hoặc cường giáp, lymphocytes sản xuất các kháng thể chống lại tuyến giáp của bản thân. Các kháng thể phổ biến gây ra vấn đề về tuyến giáp là Peroxidase đặc hiệu tuyến giáp (Thyroid‐specific peroxidase - TPO), tự kháng thể kháng thụ thể TSH (TSHR) và kháng thể kháng thyroglobulin (Anti thyroglobulin).
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Risk factors for thyroid cancer
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight. Thyroid cancer occurs in the cells of the thyroid gland located at the bottom of the neck. In the United States, thyroid cancer ranks fifth of all cancers in terms of prevalence. So, what are the risk factors for thyroid cancer?
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Radioiodine (Radioiodine) therapy for thyroid cancer
Radioiodine therapy is a common way to treat differentiated forms of thyroid cancer (papillary and follicular). It's not the kind of radiation you might associate with cancer treatment. Radioactive iodine is given orally (pills), when it enters the body, it works by killing cancer cells.
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Is thyroid cancer curable?
Thyroid cancer is quite common compared to other cancers and is more common in women than men. When hearing about cancer, most people are very worried about their medical condition. However, according to research, thyroid cancer grows quite slowly, has a good prognosis, and the disease has a higher cure rate if detected early.
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Thyroid cancer should eat and what to avoid?
In addition to medical treatment, taking care and strengthening thyroid function with nutrition is also very necessary for patients with thyroid cancer. Let's find out what thyroid cancer patients should eat and what to avoid through the following article.
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How to detect and treat thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer accounts for only 1-2% of all cancers, but accounts for 90% of cancers of the endocrine glands and ranks 9th among cancers in women. However, thyroid diseases are still often left undiagnosed in 20-60% of the total population.
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