Home Tag Brain development in children

Articles in Brain development in children

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The secret to raising smart children: Play music
From birth, parents use music to soothe their babies, to express love and joy, and to bond and interact with them. Parents can build on these natural instincts by learning how music can impact their child’s development, improve social skills, and benefit children of all ages.
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The secret to raising smart children: Brain development
Raising smart kids is not something that can be achieved overnight. Children who genuinely enjoy learning and have supportive parents will give them a real advantage. The way parents interact with their children has a huge impact on how a child develops and how smart they become.
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Young children love books that explain the "why" and activities around them
Not only do books help children develop their cognition and build neural connections in their brains, they also stimulate children to develop their language and intelligence to the best of their ability. So what kind of books do children like to read and what types of books should they read?
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Is slow weight gain in children due to lack of micronutrients?
Slow weight gain in children is a problem that worries many parents. The cause may be due to anorexia, poor absorption, digestive disorders or a lack of micronutrients in the child's diet. Apply solutions to help children gain weight and supplement minerals for good development.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics