The secret to raising smart children: Brain development

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Raising smart kids is not overnight. Children really love to learn and having supportive parents gives them a real advantage. The way parents interact with their child has a huge influence on how a child develops and helps them become intelligent.

1. The role of parents in children's brain development

We all want our children to have the best, to live a happy, healthy and smart life. A smart child will have many advantages, but intelligence is not only reflected in the grades a child gets in school.
For a long time, the use of IQ tests to help find out how smart someone is was thought to be a measure of how smart a person is. But more recent research is showing that cognitive and emotional intelligence are equally diverse and important. Thus a surgeon and an artist can be viewed as having the same level of intelligence.
How parents interact with their children has a huge influence on how a child develops and how smart they become. Raising smart children is not a job that can be done overnight, but it is a process.
Children really love to learn and if they are supported by their parents, that is a real advantage for them. Being a caring parent and standing by your child while helping them reach their potential is a surefire way to have a smart child.
Some measures parents can take to raise smart children and help your child in every way possible are:
Nourishing the brain: a child needs to eat a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet to provide energy for the body, nutritious food is very important for the developing brain and the development of the child. Teach children to commit: children will learn from their parents. Parents need to show their kids how to commit to something important as they get older and can let go of things they used to love.

Trẻ cần được nuôi dưỡng trí não bằng một chế độ ăn khoa học
Trẻ cần được nuôi dưỡng trí não bằng một chế độ ăn khoa học

Show your child self-control: show your child that things don't always go according to plan. What matters is how they react to new situations. Encourage them to be confident and believe in their abilities: your kids need to know they can be anything they want to be, but they have to work for it and believe they can. Good things come to those who wait - be patient: if your kids want to do something, it can take a long time to get there and it may not be easy to get it done. Love and support your child: you don't have to be an overprotective parent or put too much pressure on your child. Your kids don't have to be geniuses, but they can still succeed with your guidance and support.

2. Breakfast helps develop children's brains

We've always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this is true, but it's especially true when it comes to babies' developing brains. Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast perform better on tests of attention and memory than those who don't.
Why is breakfast so important to children's brain development? Food absorbed by our body will convert into glucose to provide energy for the body, including the brain.
Your child wakes up with an empty stomach, they need to be energized. "Your child's brain needs glucose to function properly. Without it, he or she may have trouble understanding new information and also not remembering everything," says Terrill Braosystem, chair of the Department of Medicine. Adolescent Medicine at the National Children's Hospital, and a professor of clinical paediatrics at the Ohio State University School of Medicine.
Research shows this to be true. Harvard Medical School psychologist J. Michael Murphy and his colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital re-analyzed data from a USDA school breakfast pilot project to examine the program's impact. universal free breakfast for 4,000 primary school students.
Murphy's analysis shows that skipping breakfast frequently is associated with children doing worse in school and coming to school later, less fluent in speech, and more likely to have behavioral problems related to parents and teachers than.
Diane Pratt-Heavner, spokesperson for the American Association of School Nutrition, agrees with Murphy. "I know principals who often leave snacks in their drawers for kids with discipline problems. Many times, those kids never eat breakfast," she said.
But don't give your child sugary cereal. The foods a child eats is just as important as what he eats. High-sweet breakfast foods can provide children with high levels of sugar in a short time, leading to inevitable bad effects.

Cung cấp một bữa sáng giàu năng lượng cho trẻ
Cung cấp một bữa sáng giàu năng lượng cho trẻ

On the other hand, breakfast rich in protein and fiber helps the brain work more sustainably. In a study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, kids who ate oatmeal for breakfast performed 20 percent better on a map memory test than kids who ate the cereal. Street.
Eating something high in complex carbohydrates and proteins will give your child's brain a slow and continuous flow of glucose for better brain function.

3. Some suggestions for good breakfast for children's brain development

Here are some great ideas for quick and easy brain-boosting breakfasts that kids will love:
Peanut butter on multigrain bread, whole wheat English muffins or whole waffles seed. Whole wheat English muffin with scrambled eggs or melted cheese. Breakfast burrito: whole grain tortilla stuffed with scrambled eggs and cheese or low-fat ground beans and cheese. Scrambled eggs in a cup: Mix 1 egg with some milk, grated cheese and shredded ham in a cup; Close the lid and put it in the microwave.

Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt là một gợi ý về bữa sáng tốt cho sự phát triển trí não của trẻ
Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt là một gợi ý về bữa sáng tốt cho sự phát triển trí não của trẻ

Whole grain tortilla with sunflower seed butter and honey. Whole-grain, low-sugar cereal with milk and blueberries. Oatmeal made from milk, topped with raisins, wheat germ and almonds. Yogurt, fruit and granola, parfait style. In addition to ways to help children's brain development, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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