Home Tag Atrophic gastritis

Articles in Atrophic gastritis

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Intestinal metaplasia in the stomach: What you need to know
Intestinal metaplasia in the stomach is considered a precancerous stage of the stomach. Once patients have gastric dysplasia, patients need to be closely monitored for early detection of cancerous lesions.
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Atrophic gastritis and its treatment
Atrophic gastritis is a condition in which the cells lining the stomach are destroyed after a few years of gastritis. Atrophic gastritis is usually caused by the bacteria H.pylori. They break down the mucus layer that protects the stomach lining from acid erosion. This infection will cause damage to the cells lining the stomach if left untreated.
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Vitamin D, C and calcium deficiency in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis
Atrophic gastritis, regardless of its cause, results in nutritional deficiencies through parietal cell atrophy and, as a result, decreased acid secretion. Deficiencies of vitamins D, C, and calcium are well described, but often diagnosed late.
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Is Kimura C1 atrophic gastritis dangerous?
I have a stomach problem, Hp + for a long time, due to work sometimes have to drink alcohol. I have treated HP several times but not all. Today, I have an endoscopy and the result is that I have atrophic gastritis kimura C1. Doctor let me ask if atrophic gastritis kimura C1 is dangerous? Can this disease be cured? Thank you doctor.
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Is Pepsinogen I and I/II high?
I tested Pepsinogen I: 90 and I/II was greater than 20, much higher than the standard. So the doctor asked me if my Pepsinogen I and I/II are high? When there are signs of need to defecate, I can't hold back for more than 5 minutes, which is very frustrating. What disease is it a symptom of? Is there any treatment, doctor? Thank you.
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Is atrophic gastritis grade 3 dangerous?
I have congestive edematous antral mucosa with slightly raised lesions size 1.0. I had a biopsy and got a picture of grade 3 atrophic gastritis. So the doctor asked me if grade 3 atrophic gastritis is dangerous? Thank you doctor.
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Standard narrow band versus magnification endoscopy for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection and precancerous conditions of the stomach
Trong mô hình sinh ung thư dạ dày của Correa, nhiễm Helicobacter pylori, viêm teo dạ dày và chuyển sản ruột có liên quan đến sự phát triển ung thư dạ dày. Mức độ thấp của pepsinogens trong huyết thanh được biết là có liên quan nhiều đến viêm dạ dày teo rộng. Hình ảnh dải hẹp có độ phân giải cao và phóng đại (M-NBI) giúp kiểm tra chi tiết niêm mạc đường tiêu hóa. Tuy nhiên, không có dữ liệu so sánh về tính hữu ích của nội soi tiêu chuẩn và M-NBI đối với nhiễm H. pylori và các tình trạng tiền ung thư dạ dày.
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