Home Tag Appendicectomy

Articles in Appendicectomy

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How long does appendicitis last to cause complications?
Hello doctor! Currently, I discover that I have symptoms of appendicitis (abdominal distension, right abdominal pain when pressing or changing positions when lying down). Currently, I am studying abroad in the US until the end of May, I will return to Vietnam.
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How long after laparoscopic appendectomy can normal operation?
Appendectomy is a fairly common surgical procedure, indicated when the appendix becomes inflamed, causing severe pain in the abdomen. This is a fairly simple surgery, laparoscopic appendectomy can be done to reduce pain and shorten the healing time.
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Is it dangerous to pass loose stools with raw stools, fishy smell after appendicectomy?
Dear doctor, about 1 month ago I had severe abdominal pain, and after going to the hospital, I was diagnosed with volvulus. After that, I had surgery and appendectomy, now my stomach is no longer painful but I always have loose stools sometimes with raw stool, very fishy smell. So, is it dangerous to go with loose stools with raw, fishy smell after appendicectomy? Thank you doctor for helping me!
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Laparoscopic appendectomy 3 weeks but the wound outside heals but still hurts inside?
Hi doctor! I had laparoscopic appendectomy 3 weeks ago. On the outside of the wound has completely healed, but on the inside, the wound is painful (I have a 12kg baby).
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Tests in the examination and treatment of appendicitis
Appendicitis is a medical emergency, requiring prompt surgical treatment before the appendix ruptures, avoiding dangerous complications for the patient. The performance of appendicitis tests plays an important role in the treatment and intervention process for patients.
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Diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is a fairly common surgical emergency. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, the disease can lead to life-threatening complications of peritonitis.
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After appendectomy, should the mother breastfeed immediately?
My baby is 15 months old, exclusively breastfed, but she had appendicitis and had to have surgery. Doctor let me ask, can a pregnant mother breastfeed her baby after appendicitis surgery?
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Quiz: What do you know about your appendix?
Is the appendix an “extra” part of the body and does not have any function? Why do some people get appendicitis? Take the quiz below to learn more about your appendix.
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How dangerous is appendicitis without surgery?
The doctor told me how dangerous appendicitis is without surgery? If appendicitis is detected without surgery, how long can the patient last? Thank you doctor.
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Does appendicitis turn into appendicitis need surgery?
3 months ago, I had appendicitis, but 1 week later I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with "appendiceal masses" and I was treated with drugs by doctors first, then 1 month after surgery. It's been 3 months so far. So the doctor asked me if my appendicitis turned into a bunch of appendix, I need surgery again? Thank you doctor.
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What you need to know about appendectomy
Phẫu thuật cắt ruột thừa là lựa chọn tối ưu và triệt để nhất trong quá trình điều trị bệnh lý viêm ruột thừa. Vậy bệnh nhân cần chuẩn bị và lưu ý những gì trước khi phẫu thuật cắt ruột thừa. Sau đây là những lưu ý của bác sĩ Vinmec dành cho bệnh nhân.
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