Home Tag Antihistamine H1

Articles in Antihistamine H1

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What is Stugeron?
Stugeron is a brand name drug commonly used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, vestibular disorders or motion sickness prevention. When taking the drug, it is necessary to pay attention to some problems about the side effects of the drug on the patient's health.
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What is Theralene 5mg?
Theralene medicine contains the active ingredient alimemazine, which works to help block the histamine that the body produces during an allergic reaction. Moreover, the drug Theralene 5mg also acts directly on the brain to help you feel more relaxed. However, when using it can experience some unwanted side effects such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, ...
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Uses of Tisagenlecleucel
Tisagenlecleucel is a cancer treatment with cellular immunotherapy. The following article will introduce you to some information about this treatment.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics