What is Theralene 5mg?

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Theralene medicine 5mg contains the active ingredient alimemazine, which works to help block the histamine that the body produces during an allergic reaction. Moreover, the drug Theralene 5mg also acts directly on the brain to help you feel more relaxed. However, when used, there may be some unwanted side effects such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, ...

1. Mechanism of action of the drug Theralene 5mg

What is Theralene 5mg? Theralene belongs to the group of antihistamines for systemic use including the respiratory system, dermatology and nervous system. Alimemazine component in the drug has the ability to block histamine H1 - phenothiazines have fatty side chains and are characterized by the following effects:
Sedative effect is quite pronounced at commonly used doses due to central histaminergic and adrenolytic effects. . Anticholinergic effects cause peripheral side effects. Effects with peripheral adrenolytics can cause hemodynamic effects - risk of orthostatic hypotension. Through the mechanism of competitive antagonistic activity of the drug Theralene 5mg can create reverse potential at different levels. All antihistamines share a common ability to antagonize the effects of histamine, particularly on the skin, bronchi, blood vessels, and intestines.
To date, there is no clinical information on the pharmacokinetics of Theralene 5mg, especially the component alimemazine. However, the drug still results in characteristics common to all antihistamines, especially phenothiazines, with a generally low increase in bioavailability. The ability to metabolize is strong in some cases with the formation of many metabolites. This may therefore explain why small amounts of Theralene 5mg were found in the urine unchanged. The half-life of Theralene 5mg is variable but often prolonged, so it should be appropriate for once-daily dosing. The volume of distribution of the drug when entering the body is quite large and the ability to distribute widely thanks to the fat solubility of the compounds in the drug Theralene 5mg.

2. Indications, dosage and usage of Theralene 5mg

Theralene 5mg drug has the main active ingredient in the form of alimemazine 5mg along with excipients such as lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, colloidal anhydrous silica, erythrosin, magnesium stearate, or coated with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, polyoxyethylene glycol 6000.. Theralene 5mg is indicated for use in the following cases:
Patients with occasional symptoms of insomnia or transient insomnia symptoms such as experiencing an emotional event, or when going away from sleep also affected Symptomatic treatment for cases with allergic manifestations such as: allergic rhinitis, seasonal rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria ... Cases that need to be treated to relieve cough dry and irritating cough, especially those that appear in the afternoon or at night. Theralene 5mg is contraindicated in cases
Patients with a history of allergy to antihistamines Those with a history of granulocytosis with the components of phenothiazines Those with dysuria caused by prostate disease . Some cases of glaucoma - glaucoma Drug Theralene 5mg is used with the dose prescribed by the doctor. For the case of antihistamines, and antitussives, use Theralene 5mg repeatedly several times a day - if this is required. However, the drug should not be used more than four times a day. For adults use the drug in a dose of 1 to 2 tablets each time. As for children over 6 years old (can weigh 20kg), the dosage is from 0.125 to 0.25 mg/kg/time, ie 1⁄2 to 1 tablet each time.
In the case of treatment for a sleep-based effect, the drug is taken once before bedtime. Adults use a dose of 5 to 20 mg, equivalent to 1 to 4 tablets. Children over 6 years old use a dose of 0.15 to 0.5 mg/kg, respectively children from 20 to 40 kg (may be from 6 to 10 years old) use one tablet, and children weighing from 40 to 50 kg (from 10 to 15 years old) use two tablets.
Theralene 5mg is to be taken orally and taken with a little water. The duration of use of the drug may cause drowsiness. Therefore, it is recommended to use this medicine in the evening. The drug will be prescribed by the doctor for short-term symptomatic treatment. But if it is to treat a cough, then you should use the medicine when you cough.

3. Unwanted side effects when using Theralene 5mg

Theralene medicine 5mg can cause unwanted side effects in some specific cases.
Allergic reactions with signs such as skin rash, skin redness, eczema, purpura, urticaria. Or quincke edema with symptoms of urticaria accompanied by swelling of the face and neck, can even cause difficulty breathing for the patient. Sensitization of the skin to sunlight. Reduce the number of white blood cells in the body severely. This condition may be manifested by the appearance or recurrence of fever accompanied by signs of infection. Some common side effects such as drowsiness, decreased alertness and this symptom are quite obvious in the early stages of treatment with Theralene 5mg, causing memory disturbances or decreased concentration in work and study. mouth, visual disturbances, urinary retention, ... Some notes when using the drug Theralene 5mg
When using the drug, there is a prolonged or persistent fever or may be accompanied by signs of infection, pale or sweaty, you need to tell your doctor right away. Theralene medicine 5mg can be used in the treatment of allergy symptoms. Therefore, before using it, you and your doctor need to find out the cause of the allergy. Theralene 5mg is not used to treat cough with phlegm. In this case, coughing is the body's natural means of defense and is necessary to get rid of bronchial secretions. If the drug is used during the cough stage, bronchial congestion and fever may occur. For chronic diseases in the bronchi or lungs with a cough with sputum, you should consult your doctor before using Theralene 5mg. In addition, this drug should not be combined with bronchodilators. For children, it is necessary to consult a doctor when children have sleep disorders. And before using Theralene syrup for children, you and your doctor must understand the cause of sleep disorders in children. Above is important information about Theralene 5mg drug, you need to consult carefully before using it to ensure safety and minimize unnecessary side effects.

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